Year: 2011

  • The blogging professor manifesto: A morning-after perspective

    Have social media seeded a communications renaissance in science and if so, what is limiting its growth? My colleagues Kevin Zelnio of SciAm’s EvoEcoLab (and Deep-Sea News), and John Bruno right here at SeaMonster, recently started a fascinating conversation on these topics. Kevin’s excellent essay noted that scientists have many reasons for going online, but…

  • A manifesto for blogging professors

    Iv’e been looking for a manifesto for blogging professors.  Kevin Zelnio has come through with a new post on his EvoEcoLab site titled The message reigns over the medium.  It is long-form blogging at it’s best.  And it isn’t clear to me where exactly Kevin learned to be such a great writer (when he was a cook? A…

  • ‘Tis the season to be hatching…

    Fa la la la la, la la la la! As a Northern Hemispherite, I found it odd to be decking the halls within a week of celebrating the Summer Solstice, but apparently the Antarctic locals know better. Perfectly-timed with the “warm” season came the arrival of a new generation – penguin chicks are hatching all…

  • Leave a Message: shredding girl surfers!

    [youtube][/youtube] The athletes incude Carissa Moore (Hawaii), Lakey Peterson (USA), Laura Enever (Australia), Coco Ho (Hawaii), Byrne-Wickey Monyca (Hawaii) and Malia Manuel (Hawaii).

  • Top posts of the year from Breaching The Blue

    My vote for the most unique oceans blogger of 2011 is Mark Gibson at Breaching the Blue.  Mark’s posts are typically clear yet deep analysis of marine policy with very little of the fluff so common at most oceans blogs (mea culpa).  It is a go to site for fair and balanced fisheries news.  Here…

  • Ocean acidification can reduce the survival of larval fish

    Another great piece from Rob Painting at SkS: Fossil fuel-burning is acidifying the oceans and, up until recently, it has generally been thought that the greatest risk posed by ocean acidification was the change to seawater carbon chemistry. This is because rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduce the concentration of seawater carbonate ions, a vital…

  • Seriously, global warming is real

    A nice essay by Matt Bush (also see his response to the “climategate 2.0” non-scandal here): Urgh. Look, man-made global warming is real. This conversation is starting to bore me. I’ve had it thrice this week, with different people who I know aren’t stupid. It also really disturbs me. I don’t think deniers are gullible idiots, I just…

  • John Cook speaking at AGU


  • Seahorses for christmas

    If you’re looking for a last-minute Christmas gift then how about some seahorses, in the shape of our very own Helen Scales’ book, Poseidon’s Steed (out now in paperback, kindle, & you might still find a copy in hardback out there too). Here’s a recent review of Poseidon’s Steed from Clare at Learn to Dive…

  • Fact checking the 60 Minutes segment on Gardens of the Queen

    60 Minutes ran a really great piece on Jardines de la Reina or Gardens of the Queen (GQ), last night.  GQ is a spectacular reef off of Cuba’s south coast with abundant predators including goliath and black grouper and Caribbean reef sharks. My PhD student Abel Valdivia (seen in the video above) is from Cuba and GQ…