Year: 2011
Helen Scales’ five ocean books
To continue our new series BOOK HOOK here’s my top five sea reads, which come courtesy of The Browser who recently gave me the delicious task of picking my top 5 books about the ocean – a perfect challenge to set an ocean fanatic/writer like myself. The only trouble I had was narrowing down to JUST FIVE…
What a wonderful world
[youtube][/youtube] Happy Holidays — from Planet Earth
Correction to Grist/TNC piece on coral bleaching
In a Grist repost of a TNC interview with Joanne Wilson, Robert Lalasz asks: You found less coral bleaching on this expedition than you’d thought you would. How significant is that finding? Should we be less worried about coral bleaching than we were before? Joanne Wilson: Coral bleaching occurs when water temperatures are warmer than normal…
A warming climate takes its toll on the polar bears of Hudson Bay
[vimeo][/vimeo] I got to spend some time with Dan in Churchill this year. He took us out polar bear watching via passenger van, he mentored me about the new line of Panasonic micro 4/3 cameras, he seems to know everything about this environment and travels the world as a photojournalist and guide.
Transgendered sea anemone denounced as ‘abomination’ by clergy
From the Onion archives (note th: A coalition of Baptist clergymen spoke out Monday against the Telia felina, a transgendered sea anemone they are decrying as “base and depraved.” “This filthy anemone, which exhibits both male and female characteristics, is turning our oceans’ intertidal zones into dens of sin and perversion,” said Rev. William Chester, spokesman…
Beneath the waves film festival 2012
The submission deadline for the excellent Beneath the waves film festival at the 2012 Benthic Ecology Meeting is coming up: January 20 (2012). This will be the first year I have attended the festival and I’m really excited about it. I may submit something about mangroves, although the quality of past submissions is intimidating. You can…
How to lie with statistics
Alright, I’m on this science thing again. Having spent my entire adult life applying rigorous logic to find out how things happen in the real world of cause and effect, I have this annoyance issue about people (Presidential candidates, for example) just making stuff up out of thin air. Now, at last, I understand how…
Flyboarding – the next big ocean sport?
Dr Octopus eat your heart out. [youtube][/youtube]
Underwater “Paper Parks”?
From this week’s Nature: “The easiest way to create a nature reserve from a car park is simply to declare it as such. The land is then designated as protected, and counts towards the relevant government’s targets to set aside a certain amount of its territory from development. That is a ridiculous example, of course,…
Demon Fish gets the Book Hook treatment
To launch Seamonster’s brand spanking new Book Hook, I chat with journalist, author, and shark enthusiast Juliet Eilperin about her recent book Demon Fish. In it she explores the world of sharks, the fishers who catch them for food and for fun, the campaigners trying to persuade people to kick the shark-fin habit, and the scientists…