Year: 2011

  • Great white shark seen off North Carolina coast!

    That ain’t no bull shark!  Both the video and commentary are awesome! (although, warning to parents: video contains some “fisherman language”) Some of my favorites: “That’s a big [Fing] bull shark…holy shit, holy shit!”.   ” I think hes gotta be at least 18 feet, he’s [Fing]  big …Wanna try to hook em?” [youtube][/youtube]

  • Ocean Sour: The new millenium’s acid rain

    Remember acid rain? In the 1970s, observations of dying lakes and great swaths of browning northern forest successfully spurred action to clean up emissions from power plants that were primarily responsible.  Now CO2 from human fossil fuel combustion is dissolving into the ocean on a global scale, making them more acidic.  A new paper synthesizes…

  • Mangrove loss on the Diane Rehm show

    Yesterday, the popular NPR program The Diane Rehm Show covered mangrove loss by interviewing biologist Kennedy Warne about his new book Let them eat shrimp: the tragic disappearance of the rainforests of the sea.   Listen here

  • Canada’s failure to protect polar bears challenged

    The Center for Biological Diversity, a U.S. conservation group, filed a formal challenge today over Canada’s failure to protect polar bears under its Species At Risk Act. The challenge was filed with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, an entity established by the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, to monitor the three signatory countries’…

  • The mass extinction of scientists who study species

    A great article in Wired by Dr. Craig McClain of Deep Sea News fame.  Craig is the Assistant Director of Science for the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, a deep sea ecologist and widely regarded as the first (and most successful) ocean blogger.   We are currently in a biodiversity crisis. A quarter of all mammals face extinction,…

  • What do polar bears eat?


  • Play orca snap at Whale FM

    Like listening to whale sounds? Want make a contribution to science? Then tune into Whale FM. Also known as the Whale Song Project, Whale FM is a new citizen science outfit based at Scientific American asking for your help to figure out what whales are saying and if pilot whales – like killer whales –…

  • Bluefin boycott

      Join 25,000 other people that have pledged to stop eating endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna.  We are hunting this incredible fish to extinction, regional management is not working, the industry is corrupt and market forces are against us.  So why not just reduce demand? Go here to take the pledge and to see who else has…

  • Of polar bears and tipping points

    This is a guest post by Dr. Gregory Thiemann, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University.  Greg is a polar bear expert that I met in Canada recently when we both worked with Polar Bears International on their Tundra Connections project.   As I write this, I’m on a Calm Air flight enroute…

  • Save a shark, vote for WhySharksMatter

    WhySharksMatter, AKA U Miami PhD student David Shiffman, is competing for a scholarship to help support his research on the ecological importance of sharks to coral reefs.  David is still a student but is one of the most prolific and talented bloggers in the ocean blogs universe.  He is one of the trio of super-talented bloggers…