Category: Blog
Kitesurfing Morocco
I went to Morocco to windsurf just after graduating (the last time) in the fall of 2000. We got skunked (no wind) so went to Tarifa, Spain, where we saw kiteboarding for the first time! From TDZ [vimeo][/vimeo]
A new form of metazoan reproduction is discovered by AIMS scientists
I reviewed this paper and have been waiting anxiously for it to appear in print so I could share this remarkable discovery. In short, Dr Andrew Heyward and Dr Andrew Negri of the Australian Institute of Marine Science discovered that coral embryos can survive being broken apart into two small clusters of cells. The two new…
Thousands of shark fins laid out to dry on a Hong Kong sidewalk
This is where these sharks would have ended up had the GNP not apprehended the boat. [vimeo][/vimeo] HT to Abel
Fabián Pina Amargós wins a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation
Congratulations Fabián!!! Our good friend from Cuba Dr. Fabián Pina Amargós has won a very prestigious Pew Marine Conservation Fellowship. Fabian visited UNC last fall and gave an excellent lecture in my class on the conservation of coral reef fishes. Read more from Pew below and go here for the gringo version. Proyecto para mejorar la…
The toxicity of surfing
Created by Envirosurfer: Eco-friendly Wetsuits & Surf Clothing.
Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast – Round 4 & 5
Is the jellyfish joyride almost over?
This week, a group of researchers published preliminary results from what will be the most comprehensive review of jellyfish population data. They say that there is not yet enough evidence to support any conclusions about a global upswing in jellyfish populations. “We are not at a point to make these claims,” says Robert Condon, a…
Panoramic images of Great Barrier Reef
File under super cool – from The Conversation: Internet surfers will soon be able to go below the surface to immerse themselves in the spectacular coral and marine life of the Great Barrier Reef, under a joint venture between global technology giant Google, the University of Queensland Global Change Institute and insurance company Catlin. The…
New study finds ocean acidification reduces coral recruitment
Hardly a week goes by without a new study being published that documents another negative impact of ocean acidification on ocean life. Now a new paper by Chris Doropoulos (Doropoulos et al 2012) from Ove Hoegh-Guldberg’s lab at UQ reports findings of an experiment suggesting that acidification can even reduce coral recruitment. Crazy! Coral “recruitment” is…
We need Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection in the US
The stalled Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act got a mention in a nice article about seafood fraud and efforts to curb it in the EU and US. This quote says it all; Although over 80 percent of the seafood consumed in the United States is imported,” the group reports, “the FDA inspects only 2 percent of…