Category: Blog

  • Great Decision 2012: The future of the ocean

    How can we save the world?  What can an average Joe Blow on the street like us, without a colossal wad of cash to pay nefarious lobbyists, do to nudge the ship of state in the right direction? One answer, not very sexy but  more effective than just changing your light bulbs, is active participation…

  • The smoking gun: plot by fossil fuel giant to further corrupt the Aussie media exposed

    An explosive new piece of investigative journalism Monckton, Rinehart and a plan to capture the Australian media by Aussie super journo Graham Readfearn is turning the climate change world upside down. Emmett just blogged about the corruption of our media and I had an interesting email conversation yesterday with him, Randy Olson and Steve Miller about enviro communication. Steve echoed…

  • Why, you ask, is big oil misinforming us about climate change?

    Bill McKibben has a new piece (excerpted below) about all this crazy weather, climate change, the carbon bubble, and why big oil is out to wreck our planet: If we spew 565 gigatons more carbon into the atmosphere, we’ll quite possibly go right past that reddest of red lines. But the oil companies, private and state-owned, have…

  • Brendan May on the Alaskan salmon fishing industry’s withdrawal from MSC

    Another voice on seafood labeling; former MSC CEO Brendan May. HT to Breaching The Blue.  This pieces was originally published here. Some rather troubling news for eco-labels this month with the decision by the Alaskan salmon fishing industry to withdraw from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) programme. A decade ago, Alaska salmon became the first fishery…

  • Lionfish on the menu

    Here are three stories that really deserve to be shared together, all about the catching and eating of our friend, the lionfish. First, is this article about a lionfish derby Dr Craig Layman, AKA The Abaco Scientist, organized with Friends of the Environment on Abaco, Bahamas on May 27, 2011. In one day, 15 boats…

  • Na Bula’: Fiji’s Crown of Thorns


  • Money and the root of all climate change denial

    [I started writing this as an addition to a string of interesting and thoughtful comments on John’s excellent post, which questions whether it is really the incompetence of scientists that’s responsible for the failure of this country to recognize climate change. But decided to post it up here  instead.] There are a host of factors…

  • Could the media possibly be playing a role in the public’s confusion about science?

    In case you hadn’t noticed, there is a new science communications meme out there: it is all our fault. Us scientists are too darned unlikable, dorky, literal, cerebral and generally unconnected to our “lower organs”. If we weren’t all these things and simply listened to the self-proclaimed science media gurus, all would be well. The…

  • Fish, Sustainability, and Used Cars: Guest post by Dr. Martin Smith

    [Editor’s preface: Yesterday, we opened our discussion of seafood eco-labeling with a guest post by Dr. Tim Essington of the University of Washington. Today we present the second perspective on the Marine Seafood Council’s report on environmental certification of seafood products. Dr. Marty Smith is the Dan and Bunny Gabel Associate Professor of Environmental Economics…

  • Is seafood certification the answer to sustainability? SeaMonster asks Dr. Tim Essington

    [Editor’s preface: How should the conscientious piscivore forage in the complex ecosystem of the modern market? Those of us who love seafood but want to do the right thing are confronted with a blizzard of information and advice  — often conflicting — on the status of marine fish populations and the various management measures intended…