Category: Blog
Lionfish Invasion, part 3
[wpvideo xHLnpP4y] Lionfish Invasion was filmed on Abaco Island, Bahamas, produced by ConchSaladTV, in collaboration with Friends of the Environment, the Layman Lab, FIU, the Bruno lab, and UNC and with generous support from the National Science Foundation. Learn more about liofish here.
How to Pick a Cherry
[youtube][/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change.
Lionfish Invasion, part 2
[wpvideo o9JbcCYw] Lionfish Invasion was filmed on Abaco Island, Bahamas, produced by ConchSaladTV, in collaboration with Friends of the Environment, the Layman Lab, FIU, the Bruno lab, and UNC and with generous support from the National Science Foundation. Learn more about liofish here.
What the ice cores tell us
[youtube][/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change.
The medieval warming crock
[youtube][/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change. Update: 1331 EST, June 30, 2011: I’m watching the live broadcast of the ICCC here and already Medieval Warming has been invoked (by Dr. Roy Spencer) to argue against…
It’s so cold, there can’t be global warming
[youtube][/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change.
Another American tourist left behind on the GBR; Are climate change skeptics to blame?
Yet another American tourist, snorkeling on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, was left floating in the ocean by his tour boat when it returned to the mainland. Ian Cole told The Cairns Post “The adrenalin hit in and I had a moment of panic, which was the worst thing I could have done at that point,”…
Climate half-truths turn out to be whole lies
John Cook of Skeptical Science has an awesome essay debunking even more lies of Bob Carter, published yesterday in the Age here. Bob Carter (source): “Between 2001 and 2010 global average temperature decreased by 0.05 degrees, over the same time that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increased by 5 per cent. Ergo, carbon dioxide emissions are…
Things you can learn from a live shark
Following on from my post on the global phenomenon that is shark-spotting, I found a couple more papers about why it’s good to keep sharks alive… and not just for tourists but for scientists too. University of Miami researchers have been looking into…
Mangroves and shrimp farms in Ecuador
Dr John Bruno (UNC Chapel Hill, Dept of Biology) talks about the ecological role of mangroves, their loss due to shrimp farming and mangrove restoration in Ecuador. [vimeo][/vimeo] Filmed by Juan de Dios Morales Nunez.