Category: Blog
Science and Entertainment: A Much Needed Hybrid
Below is a guest post by my colleague Dr. Ellen Prager of Earth2Ocean, Inc. Ellen was the Director and Lead Scientist of the NOAA Aquarius Reef Base in Key Largo Florida when I first met her about five years ago. Like me, she has become increasingly concerned about the degradation of the ocean and the general…
Under The Sea, Sex Is Slimy Business
Dr. Ellen Prager was on Fresh Air with Terry Gross today talking about her awesome new book “Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime – The Oceans Oddest Creatures and Why They Matter”. Ellen is a scientist, science communicator and author of a series of excellent fiction and non-fiction books about the ocean. Her new book is about the…
2010 tied as the warmest year on record
Despite what a certain dishonest and corrupted scientist testified to the US congress last Monday (under oath) the earth has continued to warm over the last decade. NOAA and NASA found that 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year on record (yeah, that NASA, the one that brought us to the moon, sends robots to…
Japanese seafood’s fine-unless you eat it
A series of news outlets are reporting that sampled fish near the crippled Fukushima reactor are showing high levels of radioactivity, which isn’t too surprising since workers at the plant dump over 1000 tons of contaminated water into the ocean Monday night. Excellent. The findings are stoking fears in seafood markets and restaurants around the…
Climate Change Will Lead to the Extinction of Coral Reef Fish
One of the many factors causing the global loss of reef building corals is anthropogenic climate change, which is slowly warming the world’s oceans. When summertime temperatures are warmer than usual, corals can die from “bleaching” and disease outbreaks. This in turn is devastating for the countless organisms that inhabit coral reefs. A new paper…
Have we reached “peak fish”?
During the 20th century fishing became a heavy industry, expanding rapidly to the global scale, and fishing pressure now appears to be near—if not beyond—the ocean’s capacity to provide. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently reported that “the maximum wild capture fisheries potential from the world’s oceans has probably been…
Ian Alldredge signs with Ben Wilson surf
World class kitesurfer Ian Alldredge – known as “freckles” to my daughters – has left Naish and signed with his pal Ben Wilson at BWS. [vimeo][/vimeo]
Radioactive Water Leaking Into Ocean From Japanese Nuclear Plant
You knew this was coming… From the NYT: Highly radioactive water is leaking directly into the sea from a damaged pit near a crippled reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, safety officials said Saturday, the latest setback in the increasingly messy bid to regain control of the reactors. Although higher levels of radiation have…
Anchors aweigh — into hot water
There are a wide range of reasons to be concerned about the changing climate, as John has explained in recent posts. And because policies to address these challenges involve very large stakes, economically speaking, the issue is mired in intense debate, skulduggery, and deviousness on a colossal scale (despite the very clear scientific evidence). But…
Where to learn about climate change
The availability of accurate, dependable, concise and clear information on anthropogenic climate change increases every year. This is a shortlist of my favorite sources. – JB 1) Start at SkepticalScience, easily the most informative outlet for straightforward information on global climate change. It is also one of the best science blogs on the web. Download…