Category: Blog
Haeckel bivalves
The first of many Ernst Haeckel images
Impacts of the Japanese tsunami on ocean life
As terrible as the impacts of the Japanese tsunami have been, one issue barely being covered by the media is the potentially massive effects on ocean life and ecosystems. I can’t say too much as a scientist simply because there is no data on what is happening; nobody is measuring sediment input, toxin levels in…
Merchants of Doubt
I had the great pleasure of hosting Dr. Naomi Oreskes at UNC this week. She was here to give the Michael Polanyi lecture Wednesday evening (Polanyi was a scientist and philosopher famous for the development of the concept of tacit knowledge). She spoke to a packed room of 300 people about her incredible new book…
See through sea monsters!
This is too cool Hat tip to my BlueCarbonProject partner Kat Grigg
Daily Sea Monster: the Phyllosoma
In retrospect, it seems I might trace the first recognizable step in my path toward a career in marine biology to sitting in Miss Evanson’s 2nd grade classroom at Barcroft Elementary one day in . . . well, I won’t tell you when, but I came across Dr. Seuss’s incomparable treatise on marine biology McElligot’s…
Revisiting the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Claudia Dreifus recently published a great interview with oceanographer Dr Samantha Joye in the Science section of the New York Times (here). Until a year ago, the marine scientist Samantha Joye studied a fairly obscure natural phenomenon: the seepage of oil from undersea deposits into deepwater environments. Then, in the wake of the BP Deepwater Horizon…
Galapagos intertidal research
This is a cool video produced by Pat Davison, a photographer and professor here at UNC in the School of Journalism. It is about research being done by Lindsey Carr and Pamela Reynolds (two PhD students in my lab) on San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos. I plan to post a lot of Galapagos-relataed content in…
Surprisingly few white sharks off California coast
[youtube][/youtube] The first rigorous scientific estimate of white shark numbers in the northeast Pacific Ocean suggests there are far fewer white sharks off central California than biologists had expected. The details reported in the journal Biology Letters offer the best estimate among the world’s three known white shark populations (the others are in Australia/New Zealand and…
Kitesurfing Indo
Rider: Ben Wilson, Photo credit: Will Schouten / Ben Wilson Surf Indo is a surf mecca, but few kiters know how good it can get for kitesurfing. During the Indonesian winter, the wind can be regular and fairly strong. I was in Bali for a month last July and kited 15 out of 30 days. –…
Shades of Green
A great new kite movie by the crew at Ben Wilson Surf: [vimeo][/vimeo]