Category: Environment

  • Untouched coral reef hotspot found in Madagascar

    [vimeo][/vimeo] Filmmaker Jon Slayer has just returned from a trip to a remote corner of Madagascar. I caught up with him to find out what it was like diving on one of the healthiest hotspots of coral reef left in the country. HS: So Jon, could you pin us on the map. Where exactly are…

  • Fish, Sustainability, and Used Cars: Guest post by Dr. Martin Smith

    [Editor’s preface: Yesterday, we opened our discussion of seafood eco-labeling with a guest post by Dr. Tim Essington of the University of Washington. Today we present the second perspective on the Marine Seafood Council’s report on environmental certification of seafood products. Dr. Marty Smith is the Dan and Bunny Gabel Associate Professor of Environmental Economics…

  • Is seafood certification the answer to sustainability? SeaMonster asks Dr. Tim Essington

    [Editor’s preface: How should the conscientious piscivore forage in the complex ecosystem of the modern market? Those of us who love seafood but want to do the right thing are confronted with a blizzard of information and advice  — often conflicting — on the status of marine fish populations and the various management measures intended…

  • Rise Above Plastics

    An eye-catching graphic from the Surfrider Foundation. Check out – a beautifully-designed website with an excellent message!

  • Coral Sea love

    [vimeo][/vimeo] Julia Stone sings her beautiful song In the City of Lights, and Angus Stone and Isobel Lucas ask for your help to protect the Coral Sea. Visit Protect Our Coral Sea to support the campaign to strictly protect more of the Coral Sea – there’s 40 days left!

  • Polar bears debate causes of climate change


  • Whale Falls: A Blubbery Oasis

    In the spirit of the holiday season, let us consider the gift that really keeps on giving: dead whales! Okay, now before you get any big ideas, I’m talking about whales that have died naturally and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. These “whale falls” are a true oasis on the dark sea floor,…

  • The climate conversation

    There has been a big conversation in the climate-o-sphere over the last week or two about what we need to do – or can do – about greenhouse gas emissions.  I don’t agree with a lot of the points people have made, but it certainly got me thinking.  Start here with Andy Revkin and Naomi…

  • Underwater “Paper Parks”?

    From this week’s Nature: “The easiest way to create a nature reserve from a car park is simply to declare it as such. The land is then designated as protected, and counts towards the relevant government’s targets to set aside a certain amount of its territory from development. That is a ridiculous example, of course,…

  • The Man U climate model

    A plot of global temperatures and the Manchester United Climate Model reveals that half of global warming is the result of Manchester United. Read about it and similar (non-satirical) arguments by climate change deniers here. HT to Kat.