Category: Uncategorized
What’s new in climate change science
There has been a lot going on with climate change science recently. And Iv’e been writing a review paper on climate change and marine communities and have been impressed with how rapidly the field is developing. Just a hint of what is out there: The Australian heat wave This is one of the big stories…
Fungia up close
I took this close up photo of the coral Fungia last week off the central Pacific island of Raiatea while on an amazing cruise on the SSV Robert C Seamans with SEA Semester. I used the incredible new Olympus Tough camera. Those are tentacles you can see protruding from the…
Turbulence begets diversity. In this recent NYT article, Jim Thomson describes turbulence both as a component of energy (and how it relates to placing turbines in coastal areas for electricity production) and a component of biodiversity. In the article, the research is focused on the placement of turbines in the Canal de Chacao, a narrow…
2012 will be the warmest year on record in the USA
read more at ClimateCentral or NOAA or ClimateProgress The January-November period was the warmest first 11 months of any year on record for the contiguous United States. The national temperature of 57.1°F was 3.3°F above the 20th century average, and 1.0°F above the previous record warm January-November of 1934. During the 11-month period, 18 states were record warm and an additional 24 states were top…
Climate 101 with Bill Nye
IPCC draft report leaked – shows global warming NOT due to the sun
In case you or someone you know (and if this is the case, science has shown there is a 100,000,000-to-1 chance they a) are your parents, b) are AARP members, c) are republicans, d) live in the south, e) watch Fox news) were suckered in by the most recent climate change denier propaganda, here is…
The most important fish in the bay
Manta Ray of Hope
We showed this film from Blue Sphere Media at the Beneath the Waves film fest at UNC a few weeks ago and it was a crowd favorite.
Parko is this year’s world surfing champ!
Joel Parkinson (AUS), 31, has claimed his maiden ASP World Title today at the final stop of the 2012 ASP World Championship Tour (WCT) season, the Billabong Pipe Masters. See yesterdays highlights below:
Dr Neil Hammerschlag TEDx – How to stop killer cravings for shark fin soup