Category: Uncategorized

  • Kook Jamie O’Brien rides sea turtle

    Oy vey! One of the world’s most famous free surfers and tube riding master, Jamie O’Brian, has created a massive controversy in Hawaii (and elsewhere) by posting this picture on his FB page: Not cool Jamie.  At least ride an adult! [youtube][/youtube]

  • What does the election mean for national ocean policy?

    Answer: no big changes at NOAA, where the agency will try to consolidate all the new policies it developed during Obama’s first term. But what congress and the White House will do is more complicated. One of my big concerns about a Romney win, was the loss of Dr Jane Lubchenco, who heads NOAA.  In…

  • Progress on shark conservation

    There has been some good news (and a little bad news) in the shark fishing regulation world recently.  I am especially happy about the announcement by NOAA that it will greatly limit shark fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Atlantic ocean, primarily to reduce catch of ducky dusky and black tip sharks (more…

  • Mark Hixon Tedx on coral reef conservation


  • Rangiroa spur and groove

    A dramatic spur and groove fore reef structure on the south side of Rangiroa, French Polynesia. Photo by Dr. Andy Bruckner. See more photos from the Living Ocean Foundation’s Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia cruise here.

  • Mark Hixon’s lionfish Tedx

    This is a talk by Marine Ecologist and reef fish ecology expert Dr Mark Hixon of OSU.  I love it!  Mark and I apparently have a lot in common.  I love my job too.  But the special knowledge it gives you – the painful and needless loss of the ocean’s biodiversity – can be a…

  • John Boehner’s discouraging view of climate science

    An editorial that just went up at the WaPost challenges house speaker John Boehner’s position on climate change.  If I could make one political wish, it would be that this issue be de-toxified.  I wish conservative politicians were not forced by their voting base and campaign funders to make preposterous statements about climate change and…

  • Lifestyles of the species-rich and famous

    Below is a guest post (her first!) by Dr Emily Darling, about one of the 17 chapters of her PhD dissertation: The ongoing loss of coral cover and flattening of reef architecture is leading to dramatic and drastic changes for coral reef ecosystems. But not all reef-building corals are affected in the same way. We…

  • Mayor Bloomberg makes a case for climate change in politics

    Below are some excerpts from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s piece, making the case for addressing climate change in our national politics and for Barack Obama.  Note Bloomberg was the commencement speaker at UNC last spring.  The devastation that Hurricane Sandy brought to New York City and much of the Northeast – in lost…

  • Science is the key to economic growth

    A nice op-ed by Neal Lane in today’s NYT, however, IMO Obama’s record on support for science is mixed and could be improved.   Mr. Romney seems to have lost sight of the critical role of research investments not only in developing new medicines and cleaner energy sources but also in creating higher-skilled jobs. The…