Category: Uncategorized
Advice from a mangrove
Photo Credit: Neil Hammerschlag
What we know about coral loss
See updates below in red Without empirical evidence that a population or guild of critters is declining it is pretty hard to understand why they are becoming scarce or to justify any remediation. This kind of work is essentially ecological bookkeeping. Or a form of empirical environmental journalism. I hear all the time from science…
My congressional testimony on Magnuson-Stevens
I will be testifying tomorrow before the Committee on Natural Resources on the Reauthorization of the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Watch the hearing live here. This is my opening statement: Chairman Hastings and Ranking Member DeFazio, My name is John Bruno and I am a marine community ecologist and Professor of Biology at…
Top 10 crazy things said about climate change
10) “It could just be a shift on the axis.” —Congressman Bill Cassidy (R-LA) 9) “[Climate Change] led to the Vikings dominating Europe for several hundred years.” —Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) 8) “Every cow in the world, you know, when they do what they do, you’ve got more carbon dioxide.” —Speaker of the House John…
Danger Reef
Joe says view the HD version if possible!
Oceanic whitetip sharks! By the amazing Austin Gallagher
Global imprint of climate change on marine life
An NCEAS working group I was a minor participant in has an important new paper out in Nature Climate Change (Poloczanska et al 2013 PDF). Summary: We synthesized all available studies of the consistency of marine ecological observations with expectations under climate change. This yielded a metadatabase of 1,735 marine biological responses for which either regional or global climate…
Saying goodbye to village life
This evening we said a sad goodbye to our wonderful hosts in Nagigi village here in Fiji. Everyone has been incredibly welcoming and warm to us and it honestly felt like a great privilege to spend time in their company – more on that later. But for now, since it’s already late and we have another 4am…
Mapping projected ocean acidification
Meet the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has replaced their older climate change scenarios with ‘Representative Concentration Pathways’ (RCPs) developed for IPCC AR5 report, scheduled to be published in 2014. Unlike the scenarios they replace (A1, B1, A1F1, etc.), the RCPs are not based on social, technological, and economic storylines. Instead, they are simply plausible…