Category: Uncategorized

  • Sea level rise in North Carolina

    This is a post for my Marine Ecology class.  We covered estuaries yesterday and will get to climate change impacts on the oceans soon.  Sea level rise due to greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main ways climate change is affecting us Tar Heels.  (And yes, this will all be on the final exam)…

  • PeerJ Awesomeness

    I’m totally smitten with PeerJ.  A scientific journal.  Yes, I’m am a geek. But this isn’t just any journal.  It is open access, extremely fast, fair, lets authors retain copyright, publishing costs are low, and the layout of the online and PDF articles and of the submission portal is amazing – elegant, modern, and roomy.…

  • It’s time for scientists to tweet

    Our new lab post doc @emilysdarling has a great piece in The Conversation about the use of twitter in the life and work of a scientist: Social media is no longer a new thing. But to scientists it still might be. There are few who are starting to take advantage of social media for professional…

  • The coral reef baselines survey

    The coral reef baselines survey

    “The tragedy of recent coral reef decline is that too few people actually know what coral reefs are supposed to be like, and too few of those who now study reefs witnessed what coral reefs used to be like decades ago.” (Peter Sale and Alina Szmant from the Reef Reminiscences Report) I am fascinated by…

  • Galapagos intertidal

    Rachel Gittman took this on Fernandina one foggy morning in February. I love the contrast in colors. 

  • Are unreasonably harsh reviewers retarding the pace of coral reef science?

    Are unreasonably harsh reviewers retarding the pace of coral reef science?

    I just published my first PeerJ Preprint here! Abstract: Identifying the baseline or natural state of an ecosystem is a critical step in effective conservation and restoration. Like most marine ecosystems, coral reefs are being degraded by human activities: corals and fish have declined in abundance and seaweeds, or macroalgae, have become more prevalent. The challenge…

  • Grad student time budget


  • The 97% consensus on human-caused climate change

    If you believe the climate is changing and that human activties are the cause, then you can probably go back to cleaning your house or whatever you were doing when you took a break to check in with SeaMonster. But, if you are one of the hundred million or so Americans that still don't believe in this…

  • Global warming since 1999

    Climate change deniers like to claim there has been “no warming since 1998” which was an especially warm year due to an intense El Nino.  Well that ain’t true.  Global warming has indeed continued, especially in the deep sea due to the prevalence of several La Nina events recently. Here is how much the land…

  • Galapagos field site

    How about a Galapagos picture break. This is Lindsey Carr’s field site on Fernandina.  In this bay a crazy diversity of critters coexist, including hermatypic corals and penguins, orcas and white tip sharks, sea lions, marine iguanas and many-a-sea cucumber.  This is one of the few places I’ve been in the Galapagos that is truly…