SeaMonster blog

  • Ovik Banerjee 1989-2014

    Ovik Banerjee 1989-2014

    I regret sharing the devastating news that Ovik Banerjee passed away last Monday.  He was only 24. Ovik worked in our lab in 2011. He and Amanda and Juan de spent the summer that year in Muisne Ecuador, working on a mangrove restoration – blue carbon project (DelVecchia et al. 2013).  This is what Ovik…

  • Pipeline as you’ve never seen it before

  • Scientists as advocates and is climate change really bo-ho-horing?

    There has been a broad, intense, and interesting discussion about science outreach sparked by Gavin Schmidt’s talk at AGU this year (below). The Yale forum has a great piece on it, breaking down some of Gavin’s main points: Scientists must be careful, however, and follow a handful of rules of engagement that will protect their…

  • Just a green crab, doin green crab thangs

    I love science rap.  Especially rap by Eric Axelman:

  • Do the facts matter?

    Chris Mooney has an interesting piece on whether the climate change “consensus” is a useful policy approach. Is it changing the minds of people that formerly didn’t “believe in” climate change? And more broadly whether facts ever change minds. As two top researchers studying the science of science communication—a hot new field that combines public opinion research…

  • Q: What does the new IPCC report say about sea level rise?

    Q: What does the new IPCC report say about sea level rise?

    A: Nothing good. See the plot below of observed past and predicted future sea level (rise). Note the two plotted future scenarios are based on the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs): plausible trends in atmospheric CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) concentration named for the corresponding additional heat retained by 2100 in W m-2. For the past, proxy data are shown…

  • Graph of the day: climate velocity of marine taxa

    From Pinsky et al. 2013 Science “Marine Taxa Track Local Climate Velocities”. Predicted and observed northward latitudinal shifts of marine taxa in the N Atlantic and N Pacific oceans. The velocity of climate (as first described by Burrows et al. 2012 PDF for the oceans) is an imperfect but fairly good predictor of geographic shift in…

  • Graph of the day: manta population trends

    From “Global Population Trends and Human Use Patterns of Manta and Mobula Rays”  Ward-Paige et al. 2013 PLOS ONE

  • How much will the earth warm during your lifetime?

    Amazing interactive graphic on the Guardian.  Check it out!  This is me:

  • Parliament of Fools

    new from Monbiot: The US disease has arrived in Britain: representatives waging an all-out war against science. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 17th September 2013 A “flat-earth love-in”. That’s how one MP described the debate he witnessed in parliament last week(1). The politics with which citizens of the US, Canada and Australia are…

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