Tag: blue carbon
Mangrove loss on the Diane Rehm show
Yesterday, the popular NPR program The Diane Rehm Show covered mangrove loss by interviewing biologist Kennedy Warne about his new book Let them eat shrimp: the tragic disappearance of the rainforests of the sea. Listen here
Life Beneath the Mangroves
A salt marsh climate change experiment
A few miles outside Washington, D.C., a team of scientists from the Smithsonian Institution are predicting the impact elevated atmospheric carbon levels could have on our world. That’s nothing new, as scientists around the world work on the same problem every day. But what sets their work apart is what they’re studying to make predictions:…
Mangroves and shrimp farms in Ecuador
Dr John Bruno (UNC Chapel Hill, Dept of Biology) talks about the ecological role of mangroves, their loss due to shrimp farming and mangrove restoration in Ecuador. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/25581949[/vimeo] Filmed by Juan de Dios Morales Nunez.
Red mangrove restoration in Ecuador
Andres Ledergerber, director and head scientist of the Congal Biomarine Station in Muisne Ecuador, talks about restoring red mangroves to a former shrimp farm. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/25589680[/vimeo]