Tag: climate change
Harp seals on thin ice
Below is a guest post by Dr. David Johnston, a Research Scientist at Duke University Marine Lab. Dave is also one of the creators of the Cachalot app for ipad. I first saw this post on his blog and asked him to repost it here, to complement our recent posts on polar bears, arctic ice and…
Newly evolved for 2012’s climate: world’s first hybrid shark
The changing climate that increasingly dominates the news is beginning to play its hand in some strange and unexpected ways. Creatures from algae to fishes are busting out of their old geographic ranges and striking out into new territories. A case in point: the microscopic phytoplankton species Neodenticula seminae, a dominant primary producer in North…
Climate change and the holiday season
From Simon Donnor at Maribo [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEdZj5Eq-hM&[/youtube]
Ocean acidification can reduce the survival of larval fish
Another great piece from Rob Painting at SkS: Fossil fuel-burning is acidifying the oceans and, up until recently, it has generally been thought that the greatest risk posed by ocean acidification was the change to seawater carbon chemistry. This is because rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduce the concentration of seawater carbonate ions, a vital…
Seriously, global warming is real
A nice essay by Matt Bush (also see his response to the “climategate 2.0” non-scandal here): Urgh. Look, man-made global warming is real. This conversation is starting to bore me. I’ve had it thrice this week, with different people who I know aren’t stupid. It also really disturbs me. I don’t think deniers are gullible idiots, I just…
John Cook speaking at AGU
Polar bears debate causes of climate change
The climate conversation
There has been a big conversation in the climate-o-sphere over the last week or two about what we need to do – or can do – about greenhouse gas emissions. I don’t agree with a lot of the points people have made, but it certainly got me thinking. Start here with Andy Revkin and Naomi…
Where’s the #climatechange coverage?!
Seriously, so much is happening in the climate change world; scientific advancements, thoughtful policy debates about the choice we are facing, even some more funny stuff from the Onion. But you wouldn’t know any of that based on the coverage in the LSM. This is a wordle of the front page of today’s online edition…
Climate change driven seaweed range shifts
There is a really neat new paper on species range shifts in response to global warming in Current Biology (Wernberg et al 2011). The authors used an exquisite online database of >20,000 herbarium records of macroalgae collected in Australia since the 1940s to assess changes in the northern range limits of seaweed. On both Australia’s west and east…