Tag: climate change

  • Correction to Grist/TNC piece on coral bleaching

    In a Grist repost of a TNC interview with Joanne Wilson, Robert Lalasz asks: You found less coral bleaching on this expedition than you’d thought you would. How significant is that finding? Should we be less worried about coral bleaching than we were before? Joanne Wilson: Coral bleaching occurs when water temperatures are warmer than normal…

  • The Man U climate model

    A plot of global temperatures and the Manchester United Climate Model reveals that half of global warming is the result of Manchester United. Read about it and similar (non-satirical) arguments by climate change deniers here. HT to Kat.

  • Julia Whitty on the 2011 Arctic report card

    From Deep Blue Home and NOAA’s 2011 Arctic report card: NOAA released its 2011 Arctic report card. Atmosphere: F Sea Ice & Ocean: F Hydrology & Terrestrial Cryosphere: F Marine Ecosystems : C Terrestrial Ecosystems: C The report doesn’t say ‘tipping point.’ But in fact it might well have been a tipping point. Here’s what this tippinglike…

  • We are approaching climate change denial season!

    from Brian McFadden

  • Ignoramus Nation

    All of us here at SeaMonster are scientists of one stripe or another. Science is largely responsible for revealing the world of wonders we celebrate, illuminating the weighty issues we debate, heck even for designing the surfboards we ride. But science — which is nothing more or less than applied, rationale thinking — is under…

  • Ocean Sour: The new millenium’s acid rain

    Remember acid rain? In the 1970s, observations of dying lakes and great swaths of browning northern forest successfully spurred action to clean up emissions from power plants that were primarily responsible.  Now CO2 from human fossil fuel combustion is dissolving into the ocean on a global scale, making them more acidic.  A new paper synthesizes…

  • Canada’s failure to protect polar bears challenged

    The Center for Biological Diversity, a U.S. conservation group, filed a formal challenge today over Canada’s failure to protect polar bears under its Species At Risk Act. The challenge was filed with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, an entity established by the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, to monitor the three signatory countries’…

  • What do polar bears eat?


  • Of polar bears and tipping points

    This is a guest post by Dr. Gregory Thiemann, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University.  Greg is a polar bear expert that I met in Canada recently when we both worked with Polar Bears International on their Tundra Connections project.   As I write this, I’m on a Calm Air flight enroute…

  • 800,000 years of CO2 (NOAA)
