Tag: climate change
Arctic sea ice hockey stick
A new paper in Science (Kinnard et al 2011) reports that the recent loss in arctic sea ice is likely to be unique over the last 15 centuries and caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Here we use a network of high-resolution terrestrial proxies from the circum-Arctic region to reconstruct past extents of summer sea ice,…
Still no ice on Hudson Bay
Update: The maps from the Environment Canada site indicate some freezing up along the shore which matches up with what I saw on my last day in Churchill (last Thursday) when the air temp. dropped to 0F (it is currently -9F! but forecasted to warm up substantially later in the week):
Arctic sea ice update
No matter how you look at it, Arctic sea ice trends this fall are grim. Arctic sea ice extent (spatial coverage) this fall is still tied with 2007 as the lowest on record (upper left) and the extent anomalies (values compared with the 1979-2000 mean) continue to decline (upper right): Minimum sea ice area is also…
Polar bears and climate change
My research usually takes me to tropical places where you can’t drink the water. But this week I’m in a very cold northern place. I came to Churchill, Canada to work with Polar Bears International on their Tundra Connections project, helping to spread the word about how climate change is impacting marine critters like polar bears. The arctic…
Report: Global “warming” issue from 2 Or 3 years ago may still be a problem
Thus far, the study has gained unanimous favor in the scientific community, which was admittedly surprised in 2008 and 2009 at how quickly a defining issue that will undoubtedly affect everyone on the planet became so heavily politicized and took a backseat to health care reform, the housing bubble, and replacing Jay Leno on The Tonight…
Favorite Iceberg?
Maybe it’s a commentary on climate change, or maybe he’s just a goofball. In any case… I’m working in Antarctica for four months. Click here to see all my Antarctic posts for SeaMonster! Visit www.xyzena.com for even more updates.
Why do oceans matter?
Here’s why: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qojYm8JHKfE&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] From One World One Ocean
BEST confirms it (again): the earth is warming
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) project has released it’s findings. Like many previous efforts to synthesize existing land surface temperature data to estimate changes over time, this new group found that the terrestrial portion of the earth has indeed warmed – on average – by ~ 1C since the 1950s. In the graph below…
The Earth continues to build up heat
An updated version of the scariest graph in science (by John Cook from Skeptical Science). Download a high res version here.
Rising seas – coming to get ya
Strictly speaking, we don’t know to what extent this dramatic cliff failure can be traced to climate change and rising sea levels. But we can be reasonably confident that we’re looking forward to more of the same in the coming decades. SeaMonster’s own Helen surfs in this vicinity from time to time — good thing…