Tag: climate change

  • Rough seas for National Ocean Policy

    Last summer, to the excitement of ocean policy wonks and yawns by pretty much everyone else, President Obama unveiled a new National Ocean Policy. The basic idea was to cut through the impenetrable tangle of regulations governing marine activities like fishing, shipping, oil drilling, and conservation that have sprouted up willy-nilly in the various agencies…

  • Acid test – the other carbon problem

    A well done movie about ocean acidification – the other carbon problem. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cqCvcX7buo&[/youtube]

  • 2011 Arctic ice minimum

    Another great – if gloomy – movie from Peter Sinclair, this one about arctic ice loss. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRc_9nNTZg0&[/youtube] Also see this from NASA: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzKgLVidLG4&[/youtube]

  • A salt marsh climate change experiment

    A few miles outside Washington, D.C., a team of scientists from the Smithsonian Institution are predicting the impact elevated atmospheric carbon levels could have on our world. That’s nothing new, as scientists around the world work on the same problem every day. But what sets their work apart is what they’re studying to make predictions:…

  • What causes short term changes in ocean heat?

    From Skeptical Science by John Cook. Read it all here. Over the past 40 years, global ocean heat content has shown a long term warming trend. However, the warming hasn’t been monotonic. There are periods where ocean heat drops for several years before the warming trend resumes. On several occasions, this is due to large volcanic…

  • Three ocean scientists receive Heinz awards

    Shout-out to three of our colleagues who’ve received the prestigious Heinz award for work that benefits the environment. The Pittsburgh-based Heinz Family Foundation has presented the awards since 1994 in memory of Sen. John Heinz III. From the WaPO: “Teresa Heinz told The Associated Press that the awards recognized innovative approaches to serious topics for…

  • How much is the ocean worth? In Australia at least $25B a year

    A new report from an Australian think tank has made an attempt to estimate the value of services that the ocean surrounding the continent of Australia provides free of charge to human society, such as fishing, clean water, nursery habitats, carbon sequestration, and so on. The conclusion: Australia’s marine ecosystems are worth $25 billion a…

  • Warming-induced killer crab invasion threatens Antarctic biodiversity

    [Editor’s update: One of our observant readers and experts on deep-sea crabs, Dr Thomas Shirley of Texas A&M, points out that the photo above taken from the Mail article is of the tanner crab (Chionoecetes sp.), NOT the the giant king crab Neolithodes yaldwyni that is moving onto the Antarctic shelf. This is correct –…

  • John Cook wins Eureka award!

    John Cook, creator of the must read climate change blog Skeptical Science, has just been awarded the Eureka Prize for the advancement of climate change knowledge  by New South Wales Government: Debunking Climate Lies No Longer Hit and Myth Climate-change deniers have nowhere to hide thanks to an ingenious piece of software that detects inaccurate…

  • The climate show covers the oceans

    The Climate Show 16: Keith Hunter on oceans, acids and the carbon cycle [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SJvHakMbvw[/youtube]