Tag: climate change
How to Pick a Cherry
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrxE3uwHECs&f[/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change.
What the ice cores tell us
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G80mIbF5yEg&[/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change.
The medieval warming crock
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrKfz8NjEzU&[/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change. Update: 1331 EST, June 30, 2011: I’m watching the live broadcast of the ICCC here and already Medieval Warming has been invoked (by Dr. Roy Spencer) to argue against…
It’s so cold, there can’t be global warming
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDTUuckNHgc&[/youtube] To celebrate the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC this week, SeaMonster is running a series of Peter Sinclair’s fun, educational videos about Anthropogenic Climate Change.
Another American tourist left behind on the GBR; Are climate change skeptics to blame?
Yet another American tourist, snorkeling on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, was left floating in the ocean by his tour boat when it returned to the mainland. Ian Cole told The Cairns Post “The adrenalin hit in and I had a moment of panic, which was the worst thing I could have done at that point,”…
Climate half-truths turn out to be whole lies
John Cook of Skeptical Science has an awesome essay debunking even more lies of Bob Carter, published yesterday in the Age here. Bob Carter (source): “Between 2001 and 2010 global average temperature decreased by 0.05 degrees, over the same time that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increased by 5 per cent. Ergo, carbon dioxide emissions are…
Super tough corals of American Samoa
One of Dr. Steve Palumbi‘s Microdocs videos about his lab’s work with corals from Ofu Island reef in American Samoa that seem highly resistant to thermal stress. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R38NBEQGF_s&[/youtube]
Coral atolls and rising sea levels
Rob Painting published a great article on coral atolls and SLR on Skeptical Science here.
Tropical islands disappearing as a result of coral mining and sea level rise
Decades of indiscriminate collection of corals — including by researchers — from the Indian Ocean’s Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve may have resulted in two low-lying islands slipping beneath the waves. The loss of islands and associated reefs has been exacerbated by rising sea levels and industrial pollution, and poses threats not only to the…
Sea level rise – California style
From Salon.com The New York Times this week reported that oceanographers believe “developed low-lying shorelines” such as San Francisco’s Embarcadero face “a possible rise of 14 inches in sea level by 2050” — just under 40 years from now. It’s not uncommon to read scientists’ predictions about rising sea levels and the crises they could cause.…