Tag: climate change

  • State of the union: climate change edition

    To my and many people’s surprise, Prez Obama talked quite a lot about climate change in the State of The Union address tonight.  Below is the climate change related text (from here).  Lets hope these nice words are followed with action.  Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen…

  • The ZEN of seagrass

    David Williard of The College of William and Mary has done a nice video featuring our work in the Zostera Experimental Network (ZEN): NOTE: The dude abides.

  • How high will the oceans rise?

    There is a nice article in the NYT today by Justin Gillis about new research designed to answer this question.  The team is identifying fossil beaches from the pliocene (~ 3 millions years ago) that were formed when the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide was (naturally) what it is now (not naturally).  Then, as now, the…

  • What’s new in climate change science

    There has been a lot going on with climate change science recently.  And Iv’e been writing a review paper on climate change and marine communities and have been impressed with how rapidly the field is developing.  Just a hint of what is out there: The Australian heat wave This is one of the big stories…

  • 2012 will be the warmest year on record in the USA

    read more at ClimateCentral or NOAA or ClimateProgress The January-November period was the warmest first 11 months of any year on record for the contiguous United States. The national temperature of 57.1°F was 3.3°F above the 20th century average, and 1.0°F above the previous record warm January-November of 1934. During the 11-month period, 18 states were record warm and an additional 24 states were top…

  • Climate 101 with Bill Nye

  • IPCC draft report leaked – shows global warming NOT due to the sun

    In case you or someone you know (and if this is the case, science has shown there is a 100,000,000-to-1 chance they a) are your parents, b) are AARP members, c) are republicans, d) live in the south, e) watch Fox news) were suckered in by the most recent climate change denier propaganda, here is…

  • Evolution in the changing oceans

    I teach evolution. Yes, in Georgia. Here at the University of Georgia, we have 300-400 students a year taking undergraduate evolutionary biology, and some of the Honors students at UGA take an extra discussion section for credit. This year I picked up the Honors section as well as the lecture class, and decided to have…

  • We know a lot about the climate

    As part of a great piece debunking climate change denier strategy #2 “exaggerate the uncertainty” Dana Nuccitelli has a nice brief on the key facts that we do know about climate change (with supporting links): First of all it’s important to note that while there will always be uncertainties associated with any area of scientific…

  • John Boehner’s discouraging view of climate science

    An editorial that just went up at the WaPost challenges house speaker John Boehner’s position on climate change.  If I could make one political wish, it would be that this issue be de-toxified.  I wish conservative politicians were not forced by their voting base and campaign funders to make preposterous statements about climate change and…