Tag: climate change

  • The NC sea level rise saga: the lowdown

    Below is a list of links and resources regarding the infamous North Carolina sea level rise saga. I will continue to update and will give this resource a permanent home in our sidebar. Please feel free to email me suggestions (jb@theseamonster.net) or leave them as comments below. Start here by reading Scott Huler’s piece “NC…

  • Impacts of climate change on the oceans: the feature film!

    For the NC Climate Change Fellows: Ove Hoegh-Guldberg NCSE talk from John Bruno on Vimeo.

  • North Carolina sea level rise assessment report

    The North Carolina Sea-Level Rise Assessment Report prepared by the  N.C. Coastal Resources Commission’s Science Panel on Coastal Hazards was published in March 2010. The report immediately attracted the attention of real estate investors and coastal development lobbying groups like “NC 20” that responded with anti-science propaganda like this (PDF). These groups successfully lobbied the state legislature to declare that coastal communities should…

  • Arctic sea ice still loosing ground

    Iv’e be following trends in arctic sea ice more than is probably healthy (or normal) since I worked on Hudson Bay with Polar Bears International last November. The graphics say it all. Read more about this here, here, and here.  

  • The NC sea level rise saga: reply to Dave Burton

    Dave Burton of NC 20 published a reply here to recent post I did about natural and human-caused sea level rise, “Sea Level Rise 101“. This is a reply to his post and a clarification of some of his many misconceptions about sea level rise science. I want to start by saying that my interests in the NC…

  • The human fingerprint on ocean warming

    New research published in Nature Climate Change (Gleckler  et al. 2012) increases our certainty about the patterns and causes of ocean warming. Abstract: Large-scale increases in upper-ocean temperatures are evident in observational records1. Several studies have used well-established detection and attribution methods to demonstrate that the observed basin-scale temperature changes are consistent with model responses to anthropogenic…

  • Oceans at Rio +20

    Next week sees the start of Rio +20. It’s the follow up to the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and hopes are high among some conservationists and scientists that this time positive change will be made for the oceans. You can keep up to date with the blue issues as they unfold at the…

  • Virginia legislature also in denial about “left-wing” sea level rise

    Back at you Emmett. (You really wanna debate who lives in the state more unfriendly to climate science?) From Climate Progress: Virginia’s legislature commissioned a $50,000 study to determine the impacts of climate change on the state’s shores.To greenlight the project, they omitted words like “climate change” and “sea level rise” from the study’s description itself. According to…

  • How biodiversity loss is like LeBron James and Miami Heat

    This is a repost from Climate Central by Michael D. Lemonick. Ecologists have been saying for decades now that the world is in the midst of a biodiversity crisis. Hundreds of species are vanishing every year, thanks to assaults to the environment that include deforestation, overfishing, toxic pollution and, increasingly, climate change — the lethal icing…

  • Sea level rise, one more frontier for climate dialogue controversy

    Below is a repost of a piece by my UNC colleague Sarah Peach from the Yale Forum. It provides a bit of context about the struggles among scientists, developers, policy makers, and communities over formulating plans for dealing with climate change and sea level rise in a state blessed with so much wonderful shoreline.  …