Tag: climate change
Colbert’s take on the North Carolina sea level rise (isn’t happening) bill
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Lying liar Bob Carter is at it again
Here we go again. Our old friend Dr Bob Carter – climate change denier extraordinaire – is back at it; making counter-factual claims about climate change in another newspaper. Bob is reported to be paid nearly $2000 a month by the Heartland Institute to sow confusion about greenhouse gases and global warming. Read more about this…
North Carolina legislature makes history yet again, proposing to outlaw sea level rise
[Editor’s note: OK, I know we live in crazy times, and getting crazier by the day. But this one is so utterly, bat-doo insane, masochistic and over-the-top that I can’t resist and must quote verbatim. By Scott Huler at From Scientific American blogs. John, Craig, Kevin Z, Andrew, et al — what the ___ is…
Cheer up climate communicators; America’s views on climate change are better than you think
The George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication (4C) has a new report based on their monitoring of the attitudes of American’s about climate change: America’s Global Warming Beliefs and Attitudes, March 2012. Highlights of the survey (with “expert” commentary) • Since November 2011, public belief that global warming is happening increased by 3 points, to…
Impacts of biodiversity loss rival those of climate change and pollution
Current estimates suggest we are now, or soon will be, in the grip of earth’s sixth mass extinction of species. This is of course a tragedy in many ways—but will it really affect us in any substantial way? With the thundering hooves of all the other apocalyptic horsemen bearing down on us—global warming heating, hypoxic…
Arctic sea ice thickness video!
Global warming continues to heat the oceans
This is a repost from Skeptical Science written by Dana1981: Levitus et al. had previously published updated ocean heat content (OHC) data on the National Oceanic Data Center (NODC) website, labeled as “Levitus et al. in preparation” (Figure 1). Figure 1: Global OHC for the upper 2000 meters of oceans (NODC) Levitus et al. (2012) is now…
Expert debunks lamo coverage of polar bear science
Below is a repost of a piece from MediaMatters by Jocelyn Fong covering Steven Amstrup’s response to the recent media coverage of polar bear populations, which led to a resurgence of that long debunked myth “Polar Bears are doing better than ever! They LOVE climate change!” Steven used to be a federal scientist and is now the lead…
Global warming in a nutshell
From Skeptical Science: The Greenhouse Effect The Earth is a giant rock, hurtling through space in its orbit around the sun. It would be a frozen lifeless rock like the moon if not for the thin layer of atmosphere that traps solar energy and insulates the Earth’s surface, like a transparent blanket. The way the…
The Island President
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts-AnjwRFxU[/youtube] Muhammed Nasheed was the first leader to hold a cabinet meeting underwater – he was making a point about climate change and sea level rise in his vulnerable atoll nation, the Maldives. When this film was made, his story was already immensely urgent. But since President Nasheed was thrown out of power at gun…