Tag: fishing

  • Fishing gear altered to limit by-catch

    There is a good article in the NYT by Cornelia Dean about by-catch and changes in fishing gear designed to reduce it: But new efforts to protect marine creatures have gained surprising support from researchers, regulators, engineers and fishermen. The issue is bycatch — fish, whales, turtles, sea birds and even corals killed or injured…

  • Bluefin land on the Red List: SeaMonster interviews the expert team

    Every five or ten years since 1963 a growing number of wild animal and plant species have been assessed for their risk of extinction to provide hard data useful to conservation and management. The unlucky ones found to be slipping go on the “Red List” overseen by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature…

  • Resurrection of a collapsed ecosystem: Cod rebound in North Atlantic

    The catastrophic collapse of the mighty cod in the early 1990s was an iconic disaster in the history of humankind’s relationship with the ocean. New research now shows that, after decades of near extinction, cod is rebounding and dragging the collapsed ocean ecosystem back with it — bringing a rare and welcome ray of hope…

  • Turtle deaths linked to shrimpers in Gulf

      First the sharks, now this. Sea turtles have been washing up on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico in alarming numbers in recent months. Another casualty of the massive BP oil spill?  Not directly, although there may well be a connection. It appears that the culprit is at least in part a surreptitious…

  • Lionfish – You’ve gotta eat them to beat them

    Time for a quick break from the serious stuff. Here’s a silly musical interlude with a catchy tune and an important message (I must admit I had to look up what panko is – never heard of it!). [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUh46605zPs&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]

  • Decapitated ecosystems come back to haunt us

    What happens when you cut off something’s head? In the case of an ecosystem, it doesn’t die, but transforms into something very different — and sometimes scary. A zombie, if you like. Decapitation is essentially what humans are doing to food webs throughout the world’s islands, continents, and oceans. Meaning that we’re cutting off the…

  • Stellers Sea Cow

    I am in the Galapagos Islands reading The Unnatural History of the Sea by Callum Roberts. I often buy ocean gloom-n-doom non-fiction, read a chapter, then put it on my shelf. This one is different. Dr. Roberts is an academic marine ecologist based at the University of York in England.  He is highly respected as a…

  • Zen garden with squid: A photo essay

    I love fish markets — I always feel like a kid in a candy store, looking for the strange and interesting creatures and parts thereof  hidden on a back shelf or down a back aisle. So I seek them out where’er I go. I’ve not been to the famed Tokyo fish market I’m afraid, where…

  • Forum on the Future of the Oceans

    What do we really know about the current state of the world ocean, where it’s headed, and what can be done to keep it healthy in the long term? SeaMonster asked for answers from a diverse group of >60 distinguished experts at the frontlines of marine science, conservation, law, and policy at local to international…

  • Yao Ming ?? : Shark Fin Soup
