Tag: lionfish
Why are lionfish populations exploding across the Caribbean?
Lionfish are an exotic fish now found throughout the Greater Caribbean and eastern Atlantic that have become incredibly abundant on many reefs, especially in the Bahamas and off North Carolina. Lionfish are a piscivore (a fish that eats other fish) and were introduced from the Indo-Pacific by the aquarium trade in the late 1990s off Florida. Mostly likely,…
I am the lionfish
Lionfish on the menu
Here are three stories that really deserve to be shared together, all about the catching and eating of our friend, the lionfish. First, is this article about a lionfish derby Dr Craig Layman, AKA The Abaco Scientist, organized with Friends of the Environment on Abaco, Bahamas on May 27, 2011. In one day, 15 boats…
Filleting a lionfish
Let us eat…lionfish
Ray Hilborn famously urged Americans to eat more fish in his recent NYT op-ed Let us eat fish. I explained why this is a bad idea here, but one fish it would be good to start eating more of is invasive lionfish. Elisabeth Rosenthal wrote a great piece on the fledgling lionfish fishery Answer for Invasive…
Lionfish – You’ve gotta eat them to beat them
Time for a quick break from the serious stuff. Here’s a silly musical interlude with a catchy tune and an important message (I must admit I had to look up what panko is – never heard of it!). [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUh46605zPs&feature=youtu.be[/youtube]
Lionfish Invasion, part 3
[wpvideo xHLnpP4y] Lionfish Invasion was filmed on Abaco Island, Bahamas, produced by ConchSaladTV, in collaboration with Friends of the Environment, the Layman Lab, FIU, the Bruno lab, and UNC and with generous support from the National Science Foundation. Learn more about liofish here.
Lionfish Invasion, part 2
[wpvideo o9JbcCYw] Lionfish Invasion was filmed on Abaco Island, Bahamas, produced by ConchSaladTV, in collaboration with Friends of the Environment, the Layman Lab, FIU, the Bruno lab, and UNC and with generous support from the National Science Foundation. Learn more about liofish here.
Lionfish Invasion, part 1
[wpvideo GCZJibYC] Lionfish Invasion was filmed on Abaco Island, Bahamas, produced by ConchSaladTV, in collaboration with Friends of the Environment, the Layman Lab, FIU, the Bruno lab, and UNC and with generous support from the National Science Foundation. Learn more about liofish here.
Frogfish eats Lionfish
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUNhQ-uF3T4&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] I’m back on those beautiful but pesky invasive lionfish again – this time, it’s not just humans that are eating them. Check out this video by Scubazoo. HT to Ed Blume for the link.