Tag: marine reserves

  • Good news for the Coral Sea

    It’s been announced that Australian waters will soon be home to the world’s second largest no-take marine reserve. Half a million square kms of the Coral Sea will be out of bounds to the oil & gas industry as well as fisheries – it will include around one third of the coral reefs in the…

  • Giant headbutting fish

    The world’s biggest parrotfish – the bumphead parrotfish Bolbomepoton muricatum – have been caught on camera for the first time headbutting each other. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/43626409#[/vimeo] The finding was published in the open access PlosOne (so go have a read) and as Roldan Muñoz and his colleagues point out, the only way they got to observe this crazy behaviour…

  • Coral Sea love

    [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/24594032[/vimeo] Julia Stone sings her beautiful song In the City of Lights, and Angus Stone and Isobel Lucas ask for your help to protect the Coral Sea. Visit Protect Our Coral Sea to support the campaign to strictly protect more of the Coral Sea – there’s 40 days left!

  • Coral Sea could become world’s largest marine reserve

    Next week, the Australian Government is expected to announce plans to protect the Coral Sea, a huge area of ocean (around 1 million square kms) between Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Conservationists are hoping the government will grasp the opportunity to fully protect this extraordinary piece of…

  • Meet Bernard the Gurnard & vote for UK marine reserves

    Another cute save-the-ocean animation: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk3neAZv23Q&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] From the UK Wildlife Trusts Petition Fish campaign and the creative folks at archipelago.

  • Why do oceans matter?

    Here’s why: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qojYm8JHKfE&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] From One World One Ocean

  • Breaking News: Marine reserves don’t work (well enough)

    Marine reserves won’t save the oceans. Not now. Maybe never. So say Camilo Mora and Peter F. Sale in their paper published today. If they’re right, and if people listen, it’s going to stir things up big-time in the conservation world.                     Nature reserves, parks, protected…

  • Aussie author speaks out for marine reserves

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBoSV2W29Do&feature=youtu.be[/youtube] Tim Winton wrote one of my all-time favourite books Blue Back, a beautiful ‘contemporary fable’ about a boy who grows up in Western Australia, spending most of his time diving and swimming in the ocean. He makes friends with an enormous fish and decides to become a marine biologist so he can learn what…

  • Laura Bush on marine reserves

    A great op-ed in the WSJ by Laura Bush on the importance of marine reserves celebrating the admirable legacy of her husband in implementing several massive marine reserves. Our ocean frontiers are disappearing, and it is up to us to conserve the most important wild areas that remain. Our first national park was named not…

  • 10 top tips for saving seahorses

    A question I get asked a lot is ‘Are seahorses endangered?’. And my answer, sadly, is yes. So, what can we do about it? Well, here are my top ten tips for doing your bit to save the seahorses:         1. Don’t buy dead seahorses This may sound a little odd. Why would you…