Tag: ocean acidification

  • New study finds ocean acidification reduces coral recruitment

    Hardly a week goes by without a new study being published that documents another negative impact of ocean acidification on ocean life. Now a new paper by Chris Doropoulos (Doropoulos et al 2012) from Ove Hoegh-Guldberg’s lab at UQ reports findings of an experiment suggesting that acidification can even reduce coral recruitment. Crazy! Coral “recruitment” is…

  • Ocean acidification can reduce the survival of larval fish

    Another great piece from Rob Painting at SkS: Fossil fuel-burning is acidifying the oceans and, up until recently, it has generally been thought that the greatest risk posed by ocean acidification was the change to seawater carbon chemistry. This is because rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduce the concentration of seawater carbonate ions, a vital…

  • Ocean Sour: The new millenium’s acid rain

    Remember acid rain? In the 1970s, observations of dying lakes and great swaths of browning northern forest successfully spurred action to clean up emissions from power plants that were primarily responsible.  Now CO2 from human fossil fuel combustion is dissolving into the ocean on a global scale, making them more acidic.  A new paper synthesizes…