Tag: sharks
Sharks in the Bahamas
From Nat Geo’s Photo of the Day series by Wilfried Niedermayr. The Bahamas wisely banned shark fishing earlier this year.
California approves fin ban: what next for shark celebrities?
Sharks fin soup is on the way out in America’s Golden State. Today the California State Senate voted 25-9 to pass a bill that will ban the sale, trade, and possession of shark fins. In a few days it’ll be signed by the governor and effectively put an end to one of the largest, legal…
Shark in the streets of Puerto Rico. (OK, we ARE making this up.)
Late-breaking erratum: My initial suspicion of this one was confirmed by our intrepid readers and commentors Mark and David. It is, in fact, bogus. Thanks Guys! Doh! Just missed shark week on this one. I am going somewhat against my better instincts as a scientist cum journalist in reproducing this without a full background check.…
Rethink the shark
Check out the Save Our Seas Foundation‘s take on shark attack stats. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k06shnNI8vY&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]
Cristina the shark tamer
From the SM archives; [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK2LpUoqX6A[/youtube]
Graphic arts depiction of shark fin fishing
From photographic artist Chris Jordan: Depicts 270,000 fossilized shark teeth, equal to the estimated number of sharks of all species killed around the world every day for their fins. Zoom in and you see more;
How to take great shark pictures
There’s no doubt that sharks have come a long way since JAWS, but they still suffer something of an image crisis. Shark week does a good job of championing these fantastic beasts, but we haven’t quite got away from the ‘don’t go into the water’ mentality. So, what can we do to shift this ingrained…
Another urban shark from a Seamonster fan
Following on from yesterday’s introduction to urban shark spotting, Seamonster fan James Innes sent us this great picture of shark street art from Moorea. Thanks James! Anybody else got pictures of urban sharks to send us?
Urban shark spotting
Even if you live nowhere near the ocean, there are still sharks to be spotted. Here’s a selection of shark street art from around the world. [cincopa AEGA4r653vUx]
Why sharks matter
David Shiffman AKA WhySharksMatter is one of the crew of awesome bloggers at Southern Fried Science. He has made a slew of posts about shark conservation this year, particularly about legislation to control or ban shark fishing and shark fin trading. He even has a shark movie and lesson plan called Four things everyone needs…