Tag: sharks
Shark spotting – a global perspective
I still remember the first time I saw a shark. It was in Belize, on Turneffe Atoll. I’d been waiting for it for weeks, keeping my eyes peeled for fins, until finally there it was – a great big nurse shark, snoozing peacefully on the seabed, 10 meters below me. It was every bit as…
Shark fishing in Madagascar
[vimeo]http://www.vimeo.com/5897559[/vimeo] Here’s another movie by filmmaker John Slayer, this time with an insight into the shark fisheries of Madagascar.
Demon Fish by Juliet Eilperin
WaPost environmental reporter Juliet Eilperin was on the Diane Rehm Show Wednesday talking about her new book “Demon Fish”. I haven’t read the book, but she did a nice job talking about sharks, their value and shark conservation. And her video below is really good. Listen to the show here. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LekzVpcAoMU&[/youtube]
Cuba Journal: Day 4 – Pipin reef
Day 4: Monday 30 May This morning we dive at a site known as “Pipin” after the famous Cuban free diver. I am snorkeling and the day begins disappointingly since the buoy is in 15 m of water and overcast skies and somewhat murky water mean I can barely make out the bottom. But a…
Yao Ming ?? : Shark Fin Soup
Cuba journal: Top predators on the reef
Happy World Oceans Day everyone! Wow, it’s hard to compete with Helen’s whale shark story for a close encounter with an awesome sea creature! Since it’s still fresh in my mind, I’ll go with an experience from our recent trip to Cuba. At the risk of giving you a case of elasmobranch overload, this features…
Why tiger sharks are cool
Sharks are cool creatures, right? We’re all agreed on that? Good. But tiger sharks are especially cool. Boris Worm from Dalhousie University in Canada picked them as his “Critter of the Month” on the Naked Oceans podcast a while back. Each month – just for…
How to catch a basking shark
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7dSItrbH0k&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] Rare film footage of a basking shark being caught by Norwegian fishermen in the 1970s (Warning – it gets a little bit bloody). As the film shows, catching a basking shark is not really something to be proud of (especially if you have a harpoon gun to hand). It’s easy: just sneak up behind…
How to measure a shark
Q. How do you measure a live, free-swimming shark? A. From a distance. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? You can’t easily swim up and lay out a tape measure alongside them from snout to tail. But with all the tricks of light bending on its way through water and air and the inevitable BIG FISH tales,…
Jumping the shark
I love this phrase. My favourite definition from Urban Dictionary goes “when something stops getting better and starts getting worse”. It comes from a Happy Days episode where the Fonz goes waterskiing and jumps over a shark (presumably in a desperate attempt to boost ratings). Everyone agrees it was the lowest point of the show. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDthMGtZKa4[/youtube]…