Tag: weird creatures

  • Sea monster sparks tsunami panic

    Not this again . . . THIS deep sea monster sent people running for their lives when it was reeled in on a Taiwanese beach. The 12ft yellow ribbonfish reportedly sparked tsunami panic because of its size. The species is normally found only in deep waters, but was hooked on a line off the coast…

  • Squid cloaking device

    [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/6068853[/vimeo] An animation of the two mechanisms for squid iridescence and invisibility, based on work at the Morse lab at UC Santa Barbara. It’s my favorite of the delightful, quirky videos from Creature Cast, produced by Casey Dunn’s students at Brown.

  • Life and death of a real sea monster

    No, this is not Nessie, or any of the other dubious beasts reported by sailors who got a bit too deep into the grog. This is a real live Sea Monster — well, OK it’s a real dead one. And has been for 150 million years. But it may be the biggest marine predator that…

  • Coconut-carrying octopus


  • Daily Sea Monster: The earthquake fish

    The largest ecosystem on the planet is also the most mysterious–the bathypelagic or “midnight zone“, that thick layer of  seemingly monotonous dark water between the film of sunlit surface ocean above, where the alchemy of photosynthesis spins sunlight into the tiny algal cells that feed the rest of the ocean, and the cold dark desert…

  • See through sea monsters!

    This is too cool Hat tip to my BlueCarbonProject partner Kat Grigg

  • Daily Sea Monster: the Phyllosoma

    In retrospect, it seems I might trace the first recognizable step in my path toward a career in marine biology to sitting in Miss Evanson’s 2nd grade classroom at Barcroft Elementary one day in . . . well, I won’t tell you when, but I came across Dr. Seuss’s incomparable treatise on marine biology McElligot’s…

  • Census of Marine Life

    Culminating a 10-year exploration, 2,700 scientists from 80 nations report first Census of Marine Life, revealing what, where, and how much lives and hides in global oceans. After a decade of joint work and scientific adventure, marine explorers from more than 80 countries today delivered a historic first global Census of Marine Life. In one of…