Kitesurfing Indo

Rider: Ben Wilson, Photo credit: Will Schouten / Ben Wilson Surf

Indo is a surf mecca, but few kiters know how good it can get for kitesurfing. During the Indonesian winter, the wind can be regular and fairly strong. I was in Bali for a month last July and kited 15 out of 30 days.  – JB

The ultimate reward in both surfing and kiting is the tube ride; nothing compares. Sure getting a tube on your kite may seem almost impossible and is still un-comparable to surfing, but it does have potential and the search is on to find the perfect wave to let us do it.

Indonesia is the Southeast Asian archipelago between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of 30 provinces, 18,700 islands and lies along the equator. The terrain is mostly coastal lowland and larger islands with interior mountains. Indonesia has well over 54,716km of coastline.  – Ben Wilson, read more here

Rider: Marc Ramseier, Photo credit: Will Schouten / Ben Wilson Surf








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