I ran across this neat organization on facebook called Sailors for the sea. They promote sustainability and ocean education in the sailing world. Their site has a nice list of tips about Clean Boating and a carbon calculator and information about offsetting carbon emissions.
Speaking of sailers as ocean advocates, a group of sailors from the Western Pacific recently completed a journey from New Zealand to San Diego in traditional vakas to raise ocean awareness (and have some adventure!).
Okeanos – Foundation for the Sea have rebuilt seven ocean-voyaging vaka moanas, together with the help and expertise of the Polynesian people. The design of our vakas use a fusion of both traditional and modern methods and materials. We followed our ancestor’s design, but incorporated more sustainable materials to lessen the impact on our environment. Fibreglass hulls replace timbre to protect our forests and we’ve added eight solar panels on the back of each vaka to power our engines. Natural gas is the only fossil fuel used, which is employed solely for cooking
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