Year: 2011
Meet Bernard the Gurnard & vote for UK marine reserves
Another cute save-the-ocean animation: [youtube][/youtube] From the UK Wildlife Trusts Petition Fish campaign and the creative folks at archipelago.
Algae eating polar bear
One of the half dozen polar bears that were frolicking around our tundra buggy today was grazing on macroalgae. The tide was out and she fed in the strandine on ulva and various brown alga for well over an hour. I recorded some short footage with narration by polar bear scientist Dr.Gregory W. Thiemann of…
Underwater robot time machine: SeaMonster interviews Dr. Mark Patterson
In the sultry late summer of 1781, General Cornwallis, Commander of British forces in Virginia, was holed up in Yorktown building fortifications to secure a deep-water port for the Royals, and thus control of the strategically critical Chesapeake Bay. General Washington, in consultation with French allies, dispatched a French fleet to stop them, a…
got laid
…the first penguin eggs of the season, that is! Look at these proud parents: I am very excited. That’s easy for me to say, because unlike these penguins I don’t have to spend the next month fasting while I diligently keep my gestating baby warm, simultaneously fending off predators. It’s going to be a long…
Churchill polar bears
I arrived in Churchill Canada today, to work with Polar Bears International on their Tundra Connections project – a multimedia climate change extravaganza! We went for a drive in the PBI van and saw over a dozen polar bears in an hour – some just on the edge of town. They are congregating at the…
Funny yet sad
Florida: haven for illegal immigrants
OK, so strictly speaking this has nothing to do with the Sea, except insofar as the Everglades are a semi-aquatic environment that drains at some remove into salt water. Still, it involves a large cold-blooded predator exhibiting a classic ecological interaction in a vivid and, well, somewhat appalling way. Which is good enough for me.…
The real faces of science
I know you’re busy. But this will only take a moment of your time. Really. And afterwards you will feel buoyed, empowered, brighter, stronger, smarter, more luminous. Well, relieved anyway. These, my friends, are Women Scientists Making Faces. And some of them work at sea. Watch out Hollywood movie stars, they’re coming after ya. Roll…
OBX surfing
How to take care of a crayfish
[vimeo][/vimeo] Guest videopost by Lena Bruno (made entirely on an ipad with imovie)