Underwater sculptor Jason deCaries Taylor has unveiled pictures of his latest works at the MUSA (the Museo Subacuático de Arte) in Cancun, Mexico. They include this stunning piece called Phoenix.
As Jason says:
Constructed from high strength pH-neutral cement and incorporating tensile stainless steel coral anchoring points, The Phoenix is first kinetic sculpture in the MUSA collection. Based on a female form her wings are propagated with living purple gorgonian fan coral (Gorgonia ventalina) which continuously moves back and forth underwater filtering nutrients from the water column.
The fan coral which is often naturally uprooted and dislodged from strong storms and waves was rescued and replanted from imperiled fragments found on nearby sand areas. The sculpture is orientated into the prevailing current and the wings of the Phoenix appear to beat with the natural cycle of the waves.
Check out Jason’s other new works at his website.
And listen again to my chat with Jason about his sculptures for the Naked Oceans podcast.
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