Category: Ocean Art

  • Blue sway

    Tired of sitting at the computer? If you’re one of the great majority of us who, alas, can’t just toss it all and walk out and plunge right into the real ocean, a passable substitute is the fantastic footage in this inspiring video from award-winning surf filmmaker Jack McCoy. Not Paul McCartney’s finest moment with…

  • Ode to a sea cucumber (Dear Helen)

    A friend who knows me well recently sent me this poem. Dear Helen, by Charles Simic There’s a thing in the world Called a sea cucumber. I know nothing about it. It just sounds cold and salty. I think a salad of such cukes Would be fine today. I would have to dive for it,…

  • Crabes et Crevettes (1929) – Part II

    Second part of Jean Painlevé’s classic, crustacean-inspired movie. [youtube][/youtube]

  • How to take great shark pictures

    There’s no doubt that sharks have come a long way since JAWS, but they still suffer something of an image crisis. Shark week does a good job of championing these fantastic beasts,  but we haven’t quite got away from the ‘don’t go into the water’ mentality. So, what can we do to shift this ingrained…

  • Another urban shark from a Seamonster fan

    Following on from yesterday’s introduction to urban shark spotting, Seamonster fan James Innes sent us this great picture of shark street art from Moorea. Thanks James! Anybody else got pictures of urban sharks to send us?

  • Urban shark spotting

    Even if you live nowhere near the ocean, there are still sharks to be spotted. Here’s a selection of shark street art from around the world. [cincopa AEGA4r653vUx]

  • Send your artwork to the bottom of the ocean!

    Haven’t you always dreamed of sending your art 5,000 meters down to the bottom of the ocean? Okay, maybe not, but if you think that sounds pretty awesome: now’s your chance! In late September, the ocean drilling research vessel JOIDES Resolution will head to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Scientists on board from the Center for Dark…