Tag: bluefin tuna

  • Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

    Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

    You Wouldn’t Eat a Tiger, So Why Would You Eat Endangered Bluefin Tuna?

  • Record price for a bluefin – supply and demand conspire to drive a species into extinction

    The MSM is reporting this morning that a 269 kilogram bluefin tuna sold for $736,700 in a Tokyo fish market today. At least this one is going to be eaten. Mitsubishi Corp has been gobbling up tons of bluefin and putting them into deep freeze – anticipating their eventual extinction when the meat will be invaluable. It…

  • Behind the Mediterranean bluefin tuna trade


  • Bluefin boycott

      Join 25,000 other people that have pledged to stop eating endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna.  We are hunting this incredible fish to extinction, regional management is not working, the industry is corrupt and market forces are against us.  So why not just reduce demand? Go here to take the pledge and to see who else has…

  • Why are we still eating bluefin tuna?

    From Paul Greenberg in Salon: If you eat fish regularly, you’ve probably grown used to regularly being told by conservation groups — or that slightly irritating, politically correct friend — that certain fish shouldn’t be eaten: American striped bass, Atlantic swordfish, Chilean sea bass and Caspian sturgeon have all been the focus of vocal consumer…

  • Bluefin land on the Red List: SeaMonster interviews the expert team

    Every five or ten years since 1963 a growing number of wild animal and plant species have been assessed for their risk of extinction to provide hard data useful to conservation and management. The unlucky ones found to be slipping go on the “Red List” overseen by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature…

  • Bluefin tuna spawn ‘naturally’ in captivity

    For the first time, captive bluefin tuna have produced millions of eggs without a chemical nudge from a dose of artificial hormones. Is this really a step forwards for the species? Or are they doomed to become domesticated shadows of their former, wild cousins who will still be caught, still be made into sushi, and…

  • Sushi: The Global Catch – new movie trailer

    [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/23835141[/vimeo] How did sushi become a global cuisine? That’s the question filmmaker Mark Hall is tackling in this new feature-length documentary Sushi: The Global Catch, which premiers next week at the Seattle International Film Festival. From the looks of the trailer, this is going to be an awesome film. Asides from the sadly familiar scenes of…

  • Introducing Carl Safina, the bluefin tuna

    At the end of every Naked Oceans podcast there’s a bit where we ask a marine expert “If you were a marine critter, which would you be, and why…?” We’re nearing the end of our first series of podcasts and we’ve had all sorts of great species added to our Critter of the Month hall…