Tag: climate change

  • Arctic ice melting facilitates more oil drilling

    From the “Beyond Ironic” files comes this piece in the NYT: Exxon Reaches Arctic Oil Deal With Russians Exxon Mobil won a coveted prize in the global petroleum industry Tuesday with an agreement to explore for oil in a Russian portion of the Arctic Ocean that is being opened for drilling even as Alaskan waters remain mostly off…

  • After six millennia, the elusive Northwest Passage is open for business — and conflict

    The race is on. The European Space Agency (ESA) reports that the Arctic is  into another year of below-average sea ice cover, and that the big melt has opened two major shipping routes. After five centuries of imperial intrigue, papal declarations, naval battles, failed commercial ventures, and rueful ends to frostbitten voyages, the elusive Northwest…

  • What if you really were ruler of the world? Here’s a taste.

    Here’s a little something on the lighter side (or not, if you start thinking about it . . .) for a lazy Saturday morning: I’m not a gamer — missed that generation — but this looks mildly intriguing: a strategic battle of ideas and action for the future of the planet: eco types vs free…

  • Live and let die

    A new paper in PLoS One (Maina et al. 2011) presents a new map of threats to the world’s coral reefs (Fig. 1).  The map is based in part on data – spatial patterns – of past stressors such as ocean warming.  For example, Maina used the Coral Reef Temperature Anomal Database (CorTAD) my lab…

  • Ocean warming, still happening – still a big problem

    There is a nice article on SkepticalScience by Rob Painting about new science that the oceans are indeed still warming (despite what you may have heard).  Read it all here.

  • Government scientist who reported dead polar bears is suspended

    Remember all the hoopla about polar bears facing a grim future as Arctic warming eliminates the pack ice that the bears live on? Polar bears went viral and became the poster children for the impending loss of biodiversity in the face of climate change. It all started when biologist Charles Monnett, employee of what was…

  • Breaking News: Marine reserves don’t work (well enough)

    Marine reserves won’t save the oceans. Not now. Maybe never. So say Camilo Mora and Peter F. Sale in their paper published today. If they’re right, and if people listen, it’s going to stir things up big-time in the conservation world.                     Nature reserves, parks, protected…

  • How leaders in the real world are dealing with climate change

    We hear a lot of hot air, if you’ll pardon the pun, about whether the climate is changing or not. But this is not a game — climate change is already affecting people throughout the world. And those who have something real to lose, as opposed to political support of the tea party and coal…

  • Ove Hoegh-Guldberg on the state of the GBR

    Dr. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Director of the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland, has responded to Bob Carter’s recent characterization of the Australia’s Great Barrier Reef being in “fine fettle”, i.e., good health. What’s the current state of the GBR (i.e. is it really “in fine fettle”)? Despite being one of the best managed marine ecosystems…

  • Forum on the Future of the Oceans

    What do we really know about the current state of the world ocean, where it’s headed, and what can be done to keep it healthy in the long term? SeaMonster asked for answers from a diverse group of >60 distinguished experts at the frontlines of marine science, conservation, law, and policy at local to international…