Tag: overfishing
Oceans at Rio +20
Next week sees the start of Rio +20. It’s the follow up to the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and hopes are high among some conservationists and scientists that this time positive change will be made for the oceans. You can keep up to date with the blue issues as they unfold at the…
Senegal cancels foreign fishing deals
Encouraging news emerged last week for West African fisheries as the new government of Senegal announced it has cancelled all deals with foreign fishing companies. All foreign-owned trawlers are to unload their final catch and leave for good. The problem of industrial…
Sahelian riches
In the latest installment of my reports form West Africa, I visit my first fishing communities and meet some big ugly molluscs… For the past few days I’ve been paying my first visits to fishing communities here in the Gambia. I’ve met and chatted with…
Clash of the fisheries titans
If you missed last Monday’s panel discussion “Are fisheries turning the corner” organized by the Nicholas Institute at Duke, you can watch the video below! Also check out Clare “@SeaFiez” Fieseler’s incredible Storify of it here. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKsgJ1C0qyg&f[/youtube]
Storify of Duke’s fisheries panel
Did you miss Monday’s awesome panel discussion “Are fisheries turning the corner” organized by the Nicholas Institute at Duke? Then check out Clare “@SeaFiez” Fieseler’s incredible Storify of it here.
Trophic cascade of the purple marsh crab
Don Strong, you are going to love this film. Not only does it animate one of your favorite ecological processes in a habitat you know and love; it even has an animated Dr Mark Bertness! The film is by Brown undergrad Stephanie Yin. It won the best student film competition at last week’s Beneath the Waves…
Is the jellyfish joyride almost over?
This week, a group of researchers published preliminary results from what will be the most comprehensive review of jellyfish population data. They say that there is not yet enough evidence to support any conclusions about a global upswing in jellyfish populations. “We are not at a point to make these claims,” says Robert Condon, a…
Great Decision 2012: The future of the ocean
How can we save the world? What can an average Joe Blow on the street like us, without a colossal wad of cash to pay nefarious lobbyists, do to nudge the ship of state in the right direction? One answer, not very sexy but more effective than just changing your light bulbs, is active participation…
Fish, Sustainability, and Used Cars: Guest post by Dr. Martin Smith
[Editor’s preface: Yesterday, we opened our discussion of seafood eco-labeling with a guest post by Dr. Tim Essington of the University of Washington. Today we present the second perspective on the Marine Seafood Council’s report on environmental certification of seafood products. Dr. Marty Smith is the Dan and Bunny Gabel Associate Professor of Environmental Economics…
Is seafood certification the answer to sustainability? SeaMonster asks Dr. Tim Essington
[Editor’s preface: How should the conscientious piscivore forage in the complex ecosystem of the modern market? Those of us who love seafood but want to do the right thing are confronted with a blizzard of information and advice — often conflicting — on the status of marine fish populations and the various management measures intended…