Tag: overfishing

  • Occupy Jamaica, Part 2: The lay of the reef

     Discovery Bay, Jamaica.  8:23 PM.  End of my second full (long) day since arriving Friday afternoon. Kristin, James, and Solomon had arrived Tuesday — three days ahead of me – and made good progress reconnoitering and sampling at the sites we’d worked in 2008. By this evening we had collected and processed over 100 samples…

  • Record price for a bluefin – supply and demand conspire to drive a species into extinction

    The MSM is reporting this morning that a 269 kilogram bluefin tuna sold for $736,700 in a Tokyo fish market today. At least this one is going to be eaten. Mitsubishi Corp has been gobbling up tons of bluefin and putting them into deep freeze – anticipating their eventual extinction when the meat will be invaluable. It…

  • CBD sues to halt expanded bluefin catch

    The Center for Biological Diversity has sued NMFS challenging a new rule expanding overfishing of imperiled Atlantic bluefin tuna. The lawsuit seeks to halt the dramatic expansion of commercial fishing from Massachusetts to Florida in an effort to prevent bluefin from being fished to extinction. “Bluefin tuna were once the giants of the sea, but overfishing has depleted…

  • Ocean thoughts for New Years day

    Today is New Year’s Day, the traditional day to look ahead. With that in mind, here is a neatened, expanded-on, written-down version of some thoughts I shared on my final appearance on the BBC radio show Home Planet just before Christmas when the producers gave me  a chance to cast an eye forwards. There’s no doubt that these…

  • Behind the Mediterranean bluefin tuna trade


  • Fishy labels for seafood

    Living on earth covers this important topic in marine conservation. Excerpts from the online transcript are below. Listen to the program here.  Also see more of our coverage of this topic here and read about a recent publication that found evidence of mislabeled fish with the MSC label here.  Today we launch a new series: Go…

  • Bluefin boycott

      Join 25,000 other people that have pledged to stop eating endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna.  We are hunting this incredible fish to extinction, regional management is not working, the industry is corrupt and market forces are against us.  So why not just reduce demand? Go here to take the pledge and to see who else has…

  • Why are we still eating bluefin tuna?

    From Paul Greenberg in Salon: If you eat fish regularly, you’ve probably grown used to regularly being told by conservation groups — or that slightly irritating, politically correct friend — that certain fish shouldn’t be eaten: American striped bass, Atlantic swordfish, Chilean sea bass and Caspian sturgeon have all been the focus of vocal consumer…

  • All the good seashells taken

    “The good shells have clearly been overcollected.  There used to be so many, and we just assumed they’d be around forever.” From the Onion (a satire magazine):  According to a report released Monday by a group of environmental researchers, all the good seashells worth picking up and bringing home have already been taken, a development that threatens the…