Tag: sharks

  • Great white shark seen off North Carolina coast!

    That ain’t no bull shark!  Both the video and commentary are awesome! (although, warning to parents: video contains some “fisherman language”) Some of my favorites: “That’s a big [Fing] bull shark…holy shit, holy shit!”.   ” I think hes gotta be at least 18 feet, he’s [Fing]  big …Wanna try to hook em?” [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f9Pkf75yX0&[/youtube]

  • The Jaws effect: why we misunderstand sharks

    The Gulf Stream by Winslow Homer (1899) From Nat Geo (by Patrick Kiger, HT to Abel V): Audiences cringed in terror as they watched the 1975 movie thriller Jaws, which depicted shark hunters’ desperate struggle to survive an encounter with a monstrous aquatic serial killer that was powerful enough to turn their fishing cruiser into splinters, and was…

  • Blue shark wins Ocean in Focus contest

    Grand-Prize winner of this year’s Marine Photobank’s Ocean in Focus conservation photo contest is Terry Goss with this image of a blue shark snagged on a longline hook in waters off Rhode Island, US. In an interview with Marine Photobank, Terry said: When I started shooting underwater, it was immediately apparent that every shark image…

  • Sharks and grouper in Cuba

    I shot this video on Gardens of the Queen (Jardines de la Reina) reef south of Cuba in May.  This is how reef food webs are supposed to look like; most of the biomass is in the top predators.  The diver is Abel Valivia. [vimeo]http://vimeo.com/29737963[/vimeo] Go here to see more of our Cuba expedition coverage.

  • Shark fins banned in world’s 2nd largest market — California

    Yes, America, the California market for shark-fin soup is the largest outside Asia. Which means that much of the carnage John has documented in previous SeaMonster posts (see here, here, and here) is washing up right here in your backyard. Read it and weep. But the sun also rises. The California legislature passed the shark-fin…

  • Hidden cost of shark fin soup

    An article from 2006 on the Manta Ecuador shark fishery that puts the Galapagos shark fishing we documented into context (note the fisherman in that case were also from Manta): Hidden Cost of Shark Fin Soup: Its Source May Vanish, By Juan Forero  January 5, 2006 MANTA, Ecuador – Early every morning, the cold water lapping…

  • Divers want sharks. Guides need them…

    A video from StudioUp and SharkAmigos about Angel Quimis, a Dive Master at Wreck Bay Dive Center, on San Cristobal island in the Galapagos. Angel used to be a fishermen, but decided to change professions and become a diver. He makes a really important point about the real economic value of sharks and other critters people go…

  • Texas shark kill

    Yet another illegal shark fishing operation has been caught, this time off Texas. And I heard from a colleague, there was another one caught in the Galapagos.  Listen to the story about the texas kill and the 3,000 sharks found dead in the nets here on NPR.  HT to Josh Idjadi.

  • NYT covers recent shark legislation and SeaMonster!

    The NYT ran two articles – here and here – recently about shark fishing and pending legislation to reduce it.  I was interviewed for the article exerpted below by Elisabeth Rosenthal because of all the coverage we have had about illegal shark fishing on SeaMonster, eg, here and here. The last 12 months have seen a…

  • A Whale of A Shark

    In New Guinea, the world’s largest living fish share the water with local fishermen. Lucky for us, photographer Michael Aw was ready with his camera. The giant fish is hard to study in part because it is hard to find and track. By tagging individual specimens, scientists have learned that whale sharks can log thousands…