Tag: sharks

  • Walking shark

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvyXvZmRaW0[/youtube] This recently discovered species of epaulette shark can swim like most regular sharks but often spends its time mooching about on the seabed, ‘walking’ on its pectoral fins. More about their discovery at National Geographic News

  • Top Ten Sea Monsters (OK, make it a dozen)

    We couldn’t have done this better ourselves. Meet the “12 most bizarre and frightening sea creatures“, courtesy of Asylum UK.  This is so good I had to reproduce it: The planet Earth is full of scary stuff. Not just like the threat of bird-flu and unemployment, but even scarier things like angry bears and bity…

  • How not to save the environment: sharks as biofuel

    [Following is verbatim copy of a post from our cryptically named friend “WhySharksMatter” (aka David) at the Southern Fried Science blog. I’ve heard some pretty hair-brained ideas for getting the fossil fuel monkey off our backs, but this one is definitely a contender for the most bizarre as David explains ]. How not to save…

  • Teaching sharks to eat lionfish

    Lionfish are an exotic fish now found throughout the Greater Caribbean and eastern Atlantic that have become incredibly abundant on many reefs, especially in the Bahamas and off North Carolina. Lionfish are a piscivore (a fish that eats other fish) and were introduced from the Indo-Pacific by the aquarium trade in the late 1990s off…

  • Tiger Sharks vs Turtles

    This is great footage of my crazy colleague Mike Heithaus working in Shark Bay, West Australia. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_D51Ui_XMI&feature=relmfu[/youtube]

  • Great white shark attack video!

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4YjmwCs6H0&feature[/youtube]For our young male readership…

  • Soul Surfer trailer: the Bethany Hamilton story comes to the big screen


  • Surprisingly few white sharks off California coast

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5poHfnS1kMA&[/youtube] The first rigorous scientific estimate of white shark numbers in the northeast Pacific Ocean suggests there are far fewer white sharks off central California than biologists had expected. The details reported in the journal Biology Letters offer the best estimate among the world’s three known white shark populations (the others are in Australia/New Zealand and…