Tag: education

  • Money and the root of all climate change denial

    [I started writing this as an addition to a string of interesting and thoughtful comments on John’s excellent post, which questions whether it is really the incompetence of scientists that’s responsible for the failure of this country to recognize climate change. But decided to post it up here  instead.] There are a host of factors…

  • On this day in 1642 . . .

    . . . the great physicist, applied mathematician, and astronomer Galileo Galilei passed from this world into the annals of history, having spent the last ten of his 77 years on Earth under house arrest for the crime of telling the truth. More specifically, for asserting that the movements of heavenly bodies he had deduced…

  • The blogging professor manifesto: A morning-after perspective

    Have social media seeded a communications renaissance in science and if so, what is limiting its growth? My colleagues Kevin Zelnio of SciAm’s EvoEcoLab (and Deep-Sea News), and John Bruno right here at SeaMonster, recently started a fascinating conversation on these topics. Kevin’s excellent essay noted that scientists have many reasons for going online, but…

  • Underwater robot time machine: SeaMonster interviews Dr. Mark Patterson

      In the sultry late summer of 1781, General Cornwallis, Commander of British forces in Virginia, was holed up in Yorktown building fortifications to secure a deep-water port for the Royals, and thus control of the strategically critical Chesapeake Bay. General Washington, in consultation with French allies, dispatched a French fleet to stop them, a…

  • Yeti crab – the Movie!

    Live from the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity in Aberdeen, it’s . . . Yeti Crab – the Movie! Perhaps a bit of explanation is in order. We’re live (sort of) in Aberdeen with 953 of our closest friends and colleagues, catching up on the cutting edge of research on the wondrous and varied life…

  • Live blog: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011

    The second triennial World Conference on Marine Biodiversity begins next week in Aberdeen, Scotland, and your dedicated SeaMonster reporter will be on the scene. We will be trying something new and experimental (for us, at least) — pseudo-live blogging from the Conference site, covering late-breaking news on marine research advances, marine conservation, fantastic new animals,…

  • Three ocean scientists receive Heinz awards

    Shout-out to three of our colleagues who’ve received the prestigious Heinz award for work that benefits the environment. The Pittsburgh-based Heinz Family Foundation has presented the awards since 1994 in memory of Sen. John Heinz III. From the WaPO: “Teresa Heinz told The Associated Press that the awards recognized innovative approaches to serious topics for…

  • What if you really were ruler of the world? Here’s a taste.

    Here’s a little something on the lighter side (or not, if you start thinking about it . . .) for a lazy Saturday morning: I’m not a gamer — missed that generation — but this looks mildly intriguing: a strategic battle of ideas and action for the future of the planet: eco types vs free…

  • Forum on the Future of the Oceans

    What do we really know about the current state of the world ocean, where it’s headed, and what can be done to keep it healthy in the long term? SeaMonster asked for answers from a diverse group of >60 distinguished experts at the frontlines of marine science, conservation, law, and policy at local to international…

  • WOW – did you see them? they must be scientists!

    [This guest post comes from VIMS graduate students Lindsey Kraatz, Sam Lake, Daniel Maxey, and Stephanie Salisbury] Have you ever walked down a street and seen someone so big, so athletic looking that you instantly thought to yourself “WOW, they must be a football player, they’re huge!”? What about a high-class businessman or a runway…