Tag: Naked Oceans

  • Ten questions for Helen Scales

    Dr. Helen Scales is a freelance writer, broadcaster and marine biologist based in Cambridge, UK. She earned her doctorate degree from Cambridge University and studied the lives and loves of a fish called the Napoleon wrasse or humphead wrasse, a rare and endangered giant on coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Helen usually interviews me,…

  • Meet the bone eating snot flower

    Have a listen to deep sea biologist Greg Rouse introducing the bone eating snot flower aka the zombie worm (or Osedax, if you want to be a bit more proper and scientific about these things). Greg was part of the team that discovered these guys munching their way through whale skeletons at the bottom of Monterey…

  • Genie Clark, The Shark Lady

    They say never meet your heros, but after meeting one of mine I can thoroughly recommend it. During my recent visit to Mote Marine Labs in Florida I had the chance to meet Eugenie Clark – aka The Shark Lady – and what a wonderful lady she is. I’d arranged to have lunch with Genie the…

  • Meet the elusive eels

    Dan Laffoley from IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas tells a glorious story of the European eel and some of the crazy things it gets up to, in another installment of Naked Oceans‘ Critter of the Month feature.

  • What lives above, on, and in the oceans?

    What lives above, on, and in the oceans? Pelicans of course… and what’s not to like about a pelican? Here’s our very own Seamonster John Bruno taking his turn picking the Critter of the Month on the Naked Oceans podcast.

  • Why tiger sharks are cool

                          Sharks are cool creatures, right? We’re all agreed on that? Good. But tiger sharks are especially cool. Boris Worm from Dalhousie University in Canada picked them as his “Critter of the Month” on the Naked Oceans podcast a while back. Each month – just for…

  • When one set of sex organs just isn’t enough

    Chimeras are weird-looking cousins of sharks that get up to some strange things in the deep sea – the group includes rat fish, rabbit fish, and elephant fish. Here’s Matt Gollock from The Zoological Society of London, on the Naked Oceans podcast (part of our 12 Critters of Christmas special), introducing these peculiar creatures, including…

  • It’s a long wait for Nemo

                            The good people at the Disney corporation have made sure we all know who this fish is. Of course it’s Nemo aka the clown anemone fish, (Amphiprion percula). But there are some details the movie-makers left out – and let’s face it, they…

  • Introducing Carl Safina, the bluefin tuna

    At the end of every Naked Oceans podcast there’s a bit where we ask a marine expert “If you were a marine critter, which would you be, and why…?” We’re nearing the end of our first series of podcasts and we’ve had all sorts of great species added to our Critter of the Month hall…

  • Sea angels

    [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmBIDinJUr8&feature=related[/youtube] Sea angels. They sound kind of made up, don’t they? But they are real animals – a type of seashell that have lost their shells and spend their lives flitting about in the open ocean, propelled by a pair of little fairy wings. We chatted to Rob Jennings from the University of Massachusetts about…