Category: Ocean Art
Ocean problems made small
In a brand new series of miniature underwater scenes, Jason Isley turns his eye to some of the greatest problems of the oceans.
I’m a grazer, baby
Our intrepid colleagues at DSN were, as ever, out in front on this. Thanks for the shout-out y’all! And, just as a teaser, we are in final stages of analysis of the ZEN 2011 global seagrass experiment. Stay tuned for actual scientific results! Soon . . .
More underwater miniatures
Here’s another batch of underwater miniatures from Scubazoo’s Jason Isley.
Tiny people underwater – a whole new perspective on ocean life
Check out these brilliant images from Scubazoo’s Jason Isley. He’s been setting up miniature scenes underwater that give a whole new perspective on ocean life.
Seas without a shore
Tintype seahorses. Very nice. [youtube][/youtube] I love Chris Anthony’s images of dried seahorses and strange people in masks climbing out of the sea in his upcoming book Seas without a shore. And he’s just made his target over on kickstarter. HT Huff post.
BLUE Recap Day 1 to 3
Below is a guest post by wildlife photographer extraordinaire Daniel Fox of the Wild Image Project. The dust has settled and people have finally been able to catch their breath. It is a week now since the Blue Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Summit ended. 2012 will be remembered as the year where everything changed for…
Bertness rock anthem
Eric Axelman is an undergrad at Brown Uni and has been working in the Bertness lab where I did my PhD (in salt marshes and cobble beach plant communities). Eric stars in, directed and wrote the great lyrics for this video. It has already gone viral in marine ecology, but we want to share in…
Sculpture of an ocean hero
A little while ago I went to Silicon Valley to attend the SciFoo unconference at the headquarters of Google. I loved the series of sculptures around the grounds depicting ocean explorers – why ocean explorers? I’ve no idea. This is the one that most people recognized.
Anatomy of sea life by Jeff Wysaski
We love these brilliant cartoons by Jeff Wysaski over at pleated jeans. Head…
Biodiversity and the battle for Planet Earth: The graphic novel
[Editor’s note: It’s been a big month for the science of biodiversity and an exciting time to be a part of it. Last week, Nature came out with its issue commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Rio meeting that first put biodiversity on the world’s radar screen and spawned the Convention on Biological Diversity. The…